经历了组队以来最艰苦卓绝的一战,斗鱼和他的小伙伴又马不停蹄的赶往下一个目的地——地狱凤凰城。在迷宫似的紫禁宫内,处处暗藏危机。斗鱼他们伪装成杂耍团伙计,与一个身份成谜的“外交官”签下了生死契约书,没想第一个任务就是运送一枚足以炸毁整座宫殿的定时炸弹。为了了解事情的真相,伙伴们进入藏满骸骨的死亡冰窖里,却被意外反锁在里边,危险朝他们一步步逼近。地底深处恐怖的怪兽吼声、被奉为死神的神秘黄金棺、走不出去的镜面迷宫……种种迹象表明,这里隐藏着一个惊世骇俗的秘密。多重危险来临,斗鱼能否率队战胜藏匿在黑暗处的敌人,获取重要的灵戒讯息。加油,了不起的冒险小队!The Moth in the Mirror
An original ebook-only novella in the Splintered series, told from the points of view of both Jeb and Morpheus. Morpheus wants to know more about his rival for Alyssa's affections, so he digs into Jeb's memories of his time in Wonderland. But he may be surprised by what he finds. This brand-new story and perspective from A.G. Howard's dark, magical world stands alone but also provides a tantalizing glimpse of what's to come in Unhinged, the sequel to Splintered.