有数据表明,全球前500家大工业企业中,有89%的企业已对其高级管理人员采取了股票期权激励机制。在西方发达国家,以股票期权为主体的薪酬制度已经取代了以“基本工资+年度奖金”为主体的传统薪酬制度。该书正是基于推动和促进股票期权计划在中国的推广而进行编撰的。全书包括以下几个方面的内容:股票期权计划概述;股票期权计划计划总体方案设计;股票期权计划管理方案设计;股票期权计划推广方案设计;股票期权计划实施方案设计;股票期权计划激励方案设计;股票期权相关方案设计;其他相关激励模式参照。A Topps League Story
The Pine City Porcupines' batboy, Chad, breaks an important unofficial rule of baseball: Don't talk to the starting pitcher when he's got a perfect game going, where not a single opponent has reached base. Now, because Chad opened his mouth, the entire Pines dugout is upset, the team may lose to the second-to-last-place West Valley Varmints, and Chad has to consult his baseball card collection to figure out how to help his beloved team pull off the perfect game.