The Paths of Inland Commerce
她,一名普通的高中生,十八岁生日那天眼睁睁地看着自己的亲哥哥惨死于下水道中……为了查出凶手,弱小无助的她毅然投入S市令人闻风丧胆的XX教父易擎天的怀抱,沦为小宠!三十五岁的他,对女人残忍狠绝,却在年仅十八岁的安琳燕身上找到了心动的感觉……易哲轩,童年时期的一次意外让他对自己的父亲充满了刻骨铭心的仇恨,然而,他却无可救药地爱上了父亲身边最卑微的小宠!为了争夺同一个女人,父子间反目成仇,彻底决裂!弱小的她被父子俩同时爱上,又该何去何从?她那颗飘飘荡荡的心,最终会为谁搁浅?又将为谁心痛?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~XX里的爱情,就像是绽放在危崖边上的血色罂粟,凄美妖娆,然而,一旦采撷,便会摔得粉身碎骨!原来,太爱一个人,最终,也会酿成悲剧……如果,一切可以重来,她宁愿他们从未相爱过!Before he Sees (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 2)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 600 five star reviews), comes book #2 in a heart-pounding new mystery series.In BEFORE HE SEES (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 2), FBI agent-in-training Mackenzie White struggles to make her mark in the FBI Academy in Quantico, trying to prove herself as a woman and as a transplant from Nebraska. Hoping she has what it takes to become an FBI agent and leave her life in the Midwest behind for good, Mackenzie just wants to keep a low profile and impress her superiors.But all that changes when the body of a woman is found in a garbage dump. The murder bears shocking similarities to the Scarecrow Killer—the case that made Mackenzie famous in Nebraska—and in the frantic race against time to stop a new serial killer, the FBI decides to break protocol and give Mackenzie a chance on the case.