《昆虫记》是一部涵跨文学与科学领域的经典巨著,百余年来一直誉满伞球。本套全译插图珍藏本在最大限度重现《昆虫记》原著全貌的同时兼顺原著的文学性、可读性,特别插入了近1800幅细致的于绘图以及精准的图说,力求将一部完整美妙的《昆虫记》奉献给读者。相信这一切精心的编辑将带给您无与伦比的阅读体验。《昆虫记》卷六中,法布尔悉心研究了松毛虫、埋葬虫、白面螽斯、蝗虫等,昆虫的生活习性,以及潘帕斯草原的食粪虫的美貌,并针对昆虫着色的议题展开讨论……语言优美,妙趣横生!A Trace of Murder (A Keri Locke Mystery--Book #2)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense.In A TRACE OF MURDER (Book #2 in the Keri Locke mystery series), Keri Locke, Missing Persons Detective in the Homicide division of the LAPD, remains haunted by the abduction of her own daughter. Encouraged by the new lead that has landed, the first in years, she pursues it with all that she has, determined to find her daughter and bring her back alive.Yet Keri, at the same time, receives a phone call from a frantic husband, a famed Beverly Hills plastic surgeon, who reports that his wife has been missing for two days. A wealthy socialite with no enemies and little reason to leave her life, he fears the worst has become of his wife.浮躁世界里的我们,都欠自己一个专注