Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Farm
在作文课上,我们都会有这样的困惑:该写什么?该怎么写?其实,我们身边就有很多素材,只是我们没有发现它们,没有注意它们。在这本书里,用8个专题,分别告诉你“如何写好导游词”“如何写好心里话”“如何抓住特长写人物”“如何写好体验性活动”,等等。方法实用,范文经典,点评中肯,还有推荐给你看的课外书,帮你全方面提高作文水平。有了它,作文提分不再难!A Topps League Story
Chad's got the summertime blues: his parents want him to be home by midnight (no extra innings) and eat healthier (no corn dogs). His friend, Abby, has bobblehead issues. And then there's pinch hitter Sammy Solaris. But Sammy has problems of his own. He has a big swing but is too slow. If he can't speed up his running and stealing, he'll be off the team. There's got to be something Chad can do to save the day … with a little help from Dylan, a baseball card, and that porcupine!