《一日一省大全集(超值金版)》撷取了大师先哲的智慧,篇篇蕴含振聋发聩、发人深省的生活真理,促使你扪心自省,将你思想中浅薄、浮躁、消沉、自满、狂傲等污垢涤荡干净,让你在反思中重新认识自己,从反思中获取前进的力量。把“省”当成每日的功课,让它深植在你的心里,你就能理清生命的脉络,并让你的人生之路变得更加清晰、明了。心量有多大,事业就有多大;心能容多少,成就就有多少。She, Myself, and I
Ever since Rosa's nerve disease rendered her quadriplegic, she's depended on her handsome, confident older brother to be her rock and her mirror. But when a doctor from Boston chooses her to be a candidate for an experimental brain transplant, she and her family move from London in search of a miracle. Sylvia—a girl from a small town in Massachusetts —is brain dead, and her parents have agreed to donate her body to give Rosa a new life. But when Rosa wakes from surgery, she can' t help but wonder, with increasing obsession, who Sylvia was and what her life was like. Her fascination with her new body and her desire to understand Sylvia prompt a road trip based on self-discovery… and a surprising new romance. But will Rosa be able to solve the dilemma of her identity?