始于偶遇,终于命运,一但爱上就再也忘不掉。莫蓓萌长的像“萝莉”,实则是个混世女魔王。乔一帆崇阳一校霸,却成绩一流!一次小巷的偶遇造就一段“孽缘”的开始。不良少年竟被“柔弱”的萝莉所救?为了维护自己“不良”的尊严,乔一帆从此黏上莫蓓萌——教室,“莫蓓萌你答应做我女朋友,我就帮你补课!”小树林里,“莫蓓萌,以后再有人欺负你就提我名字,这片都是我罩着的。”翻墙逃课的墙头上,“成为我的女朋友,我就下去!”小区门口,“你救过我,我要以身相许!”……命运多舛,契阔重逢…… 乔一帆西装革履,金丝眼镜“莫小姐,好久不见!”莫蓓萌一身戎装,双眸含笑“乔先生,别来无恙婚礼上有人问:“乔一帆,莫蓓萌都离开那么久了,你为什么还要等她?”当年纨绔张扬的不良少年,如今沉静内敛的男人眼底一片宠溺“我的心里有一座迷宫,莫蓓萌一直没有走出去。”Harold Pinter Plays 2
The second volume of Harold Pinter's collected work includes The wkkk.net CaretakerIt was with this play that Harold Pinter had his first major success. The obsessive caretaker, Davies, is a classic comic creation, and his uneasy relationship with the enigmatic Aston and Mick a landmark in twentieth-century drama.'The play remains a masterpiece.' Daily Telegraph The Collection This one-act play for television explores the sexual manoeuvres between two couples in the clothing trade. 'Taps the adrenal flow of contemporary guilt and anxiety.' Time The Lover Richard and Sarah conduct themselves with apparent respectability in the mornings, whilst living out a sequence of erotic rituals in the afternoons. 'Beautifully written... the sexiest play I remember seeing on the television.' Sunday Times The volume also includes Night School and The Dwarfs, plus five revue sketches written during the same period.