1934年10月,中共中央和中革军委率领中央红军主力长征后,奉命留在南方八省15个地区的部分红军和游击队,在项英、陈毅等以及各地党组织的领导下,充分依靠人民群众,坚持与开展了艰苦卓绝的三年游击战争,不但使自己站稳了脚跟,而且在战略上策应和配合了主力红军的长征行动,保存了党在南方的战略支点。油画《南方三年游击战争》,深刻展示了以陈毅为代表红色游击健儿在环境异常艰苦、情况错综复杂的斗争中所表现出来的前仆后继、不屈不挠的革命斗争精神和视死如归、大义凛然的革命斗争情操。Ride The Nightmare
At 32, Chris Martin lives a conventional life. He's married with a daughter, runs his own small business, and is working to save up money for a bigger home with his wife, Helen. He is happy and content with this staid but comfortable existence—until a late weeknight phone call turns everything upside down.Chris hasn't always been the model family man he appears to be. And when his past catches up to him, the terror comes into his home—just where he thought he was safest. As Chris finds all that he loves under attack, he must go to heroic lengths to keep his family and his life together.王牌教室:魔法特等生