大晚上的,被人追杀也就不说了,毒发也可暂且忽略不顾,可是尼玛,说她是他老婆,囚禁?还能更过分点吗?某女怒不可遏,逮着机会,三十六计走为上计。可是,革命还未成功,她竟然又遭劫持。而某男却伫立一边,冷眼旁观,“你下的毒最好能毒死她,不然你就不要在这跟本王多费唇舌了。”某女怒了,“离君羽,你要是拿我当替死鬼,我做鬼也不会放过你的”一纸契约,三月为期,她嫁他为妃。表面他们是恩爱夫妻,鹣鲽情深。暗里他们却是上辈子的仇人,下辈子的冤家。可是她坠崖时,他却生死相随?他身陷囹圄,她却拼死相救?而在她决定违背师命,愿以一死来堵他的一份柔情时,亲耳听到的却又是他对另一个女人诉说的无限思念……Man of the Outback
When beautiful Sally Baxter moves to Australia, she is eager for adventure, freedom, and to make a life of her own--far from the demands of her meddling family. Her friend, Julia, owns a ranch--and when she offers to take Sally in, it seems too good to be true. But Julia's ranch is in danger. Arrogant, domineering landowner Grant Forsythe wants to buy the land--and he'll stop at nothing to get Julia to sell. At first intimidated and enraged, Sally can't help but be drawn to the handsome, determined Grant--and he makes no secret of his attraction to her.But then Grant proposes to Sally. And she can't help but wonder--is he doing it for love, or for the ranch?