
第24章 出身重要但教养更重要(1)

Section Two Birth Is Much but Breeding Is More


In the world nobody can choose what family one will be born of and who will be one’s parents just asnobody knows when and where and how one will die. But anyone must have one’s own parents who havegiven birth to him or her and must die in the end. Fortunately, none can foresee. Otherwise, birth and deathmean nothing at all. Let the past birth pass! The future life is much more worth concern. No wonder thatpeople are more interested in the study of life and longevity than that of birth and death. Consequently, peopleare constantly studying life and making their lives longer and more meaningful so that they can make greatercontributions to their people and country, and the other people will remember what good they have donebefore their death.


Let’s read George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion and will come to know how important breeding is whenit’s compared with birth.

2.1 内容介绍

2.1 Introduction


George Bernard Shaw wrote Pygmalion in 1912 as a starring play for Mrs. Patrick Campbell, a giftedEnglish actress. However, the idea had been working in his mind for years before that. In 1897 Shawmentioned in a letter to Ellen Terry, another famous actress who appeared in several of his plays, that he hadan idea for a play about an East End girl (the East End was a slum district of London) in an apron and threeostrich feathers. We cannot tell what kind of a play Shaw was thinking of then, but the physical image of Elizawas already formed in his mind. By 1912 Shaw had written many of his finest plays. He had a world-widereputation.


Pygmalion is composed of seven parts: Preface, Five Acts and the Concluding Essay. Shaw beginshis short preface by discussing the shortcomings of the English language. Much of the blame is placed onEnglish spelling. Because of it, no person, neither Englishman nor foreigner, can teach himself to pronounceEnglish by studying the way it is spelled. English spelling does not have much reasonable relationship to itspronunciation. This makes English difficult to spell, and, if we cannot spell well, we are liable to be lookedupon as ignorant and unintelligent, often unjustly. This also makes English pronunciation very difficult tolearn. Part of the preface is a tribute to the famous, though peppery, phonetician Henry Sweet, on whom Shawbased his portrait of Henry Higgins, the hero of the play. Shaw states that such changes in speech as Higginsteaches Eliza are not unusual in real life. Many poor girls have gotten rid of their original dialects and learnedbeautiful speech in order to become actresses. Salesladies in fine London shops and maids in elegant homesspeak two languages—Standard English on their jobs, and the low London speech called“cockney”inprivate life.



ActⅠ: It is 11:15 p.m., and a summer thunderstorm is in progress. Various people have run into theportico of St. Paul’s Church in Covent Garden Market, London to escape the rain. Among them is a ladywith her daughter and son, in evening dress. They are the Eynsford-Hills. The flower girl Eliza Doolittle ishere with her flower basket (we do not learn her name until Act Ⅱ). She is only eighteen or twenty. She putson her dirty little straw hat, wears her old black coat, brown skirt, apron, and worn shoes. At the momentof her entry into the scene, she is angry, because Freddy Eynsford-Hill has run into her and knocked overher flowers. But she knows how to get along successfully in her existence; she promptly manages to get paidback for the flowers Freddy has ruined. Now a bystander warns the flower girl that the man with the notebookis writing down everything she says. She is terrified; she is sure this must be a policeman. Since the stormis over, everyone leaves the portico except the man with the notebook, the flower girl, and the gentlemanin evening dress. The two men introduced themselves to one another. The note-taker is Henry Higgins,a professor of phonetics; the other gentleman is Colonel Pickering, an authority on Indian dialects. Thetwo men have long been anxious to meet. As Higgins explains to Pickering how he teaches millionaires ofhumble background to speak properly, he happens to use the flower girl as an illustration of what he is talkingabout. She is condemned to the gutter for life because of her vile dialect. He could change her English socompletely that in three months she could pass as a duchess. The attention of the flower girl is caught by thisdramatic statement. She has heard and learned their names and address by heart. Higgins and Pickering gooff together. As they leave, Higgins hears the church clock chime. He is reminded of God and charity. IntoEliza’s flower basket he throws a handful of coins. Eliza, elated by her unexpected wealth, takes a cab homeherself.


ActⅡ: It is 11 a.m. the next morning, in Higgins’ house on Wimpole Street. Here, in a living roomequipped as a phonetics laboratory, Higgins and Pickering are enjoying a discussion of their favorite subject.

Eliza arrives, as elegantly dressed as she can manage. She has come to hire Higgins as a teacher, at a shilling($0.25) an hour. She wants to get a job in a florist’s shop. Pickering reminds Higgins of his boast that he canturn Eliza into a duchess and offers to bet against him, as well as pay all the expenses of the experiment.

Higgins is delighted with Pickering’s idea. He determines to make a duchess of Eliza. Rapidly he orders Mrs.

Pearce to take her clothes away and burn them, clean her up, and order new clothes for her. Mrs. Pearce,Higgins’ housekeeper, is a model of respectability and good sense. She has a strong character which cannotbe swayed by Higgins. Toward Eliza she is firm but decent and reasonable. Higgins roars at Eliza to sitdown. Mrs. Pearce adds a crisp command to the same purpose. Eliza is frightened by this, but she refuses tobe bullied. However, as soon as Pickering offers her a seat in a courteous tone, she is soothed and sits downat once. He will often be more successful than Higgins in handling the girl, because Higgins bewilders herwith his violent behavior, but she is reassured by Pickering’s quiet, respectful manner. Eliza asks for lessons,and Higgins decides to give them to her. But Eliza is so astounded by Higgins’ dreadful manners and lack ofconcern for her as a person that she almost changes her mind and runs away. Mrs. Pearce and Pickering areboth uneasy because of this. They raise objections. All this creates the illusion of bustling action and the clashof personalities. Now Alfred Doolittle, Eliza’s father, enters. He exhibits righteous indignation, suggesting thatHiggins has taken Eliza for immoral purposes. However, he is prepared to overlook this for five pounds. ButHiggins shocks Doolittle by ordering him to take Eliza away at once. Higgins accuses Doolittle of blackmail,threatening loudly to call the police. Eventually, Higgins becomes delighted by Doolittle’s cheerful admissionthat he has no moral standards. When Doolittle analyzes his position as one of the undeserving poor andrejects morals because he cannot afford them, he sounds a good deal like Falstaff — the greatest comiccharacter in English literature.



Act Ⅲ: Mrs. Higgins, Henry’s mother, is preparing to entertain guests in her home. Henry Higginsbursts in to tell his mother that he has invited Eliza to visit her. The Eynsford-Hills arrive. Pickering alsoarrives. Mrs. Eynsford-Hill is a lady by social status, but she does not have the money necessary to upholdthat position. She is perpetually worried, and yet she is a pleasant person. She tries to be friendly to Higgins,though he startles and bewilders her. Her daughter Clara makes great efforts to get on friendly terms withHiggins. After all, he is a bachelor, and there is no harm in trying. Eliza begins her social debut well. Shegreets her hostess and her fellow guests in the proper manner. Her movements have obviously been taughtto her with much care. She makes a remark about weather conditions, which she has carefully rehearsedbeforehand. Freddy is amused and her grammar collapses. Mrs. Eynsord-Hill makes a kindly attempt tosave the day by turning the subject to influenza. Unfortunately, this reminds Eliza of her aunt. She becomesinterested in what she is saying. No longer afraid, she tells her story. All of it is told in Eliza’s newly learnedcultured speech; her grammar has not been much improved, but her pronunciation is perfect. The climax ofthe disaster is Eliza’s reply to Freddy’s question about a walk across the park. To her, such a question is virtuallyan insult. Only poor people walk. Ladies ride in taxi. No doubt this accounts for her vigorous reply:“Notbloody likely!”On the heels of Eliza’s sensational exit, the Eynsford-Hills depart. Mrs. Eynsford-Hill is ina state of shock over Eliza’s vulgarity. Clara is delighted to think that she has just learned about the latest fad.

Freddy is infatuated with the beautiful Miss Doolittle. Then Mrs. Higgins tries to get precise information aboutthe terms on which Eliza lives in her son’s home. Is she a servant? If not, what is she? What is to becomeof her after the experiment is over? Higgins and Pickering are indignant at Mrs. Higgins’ reproaches. Howcan she suggest that they do not think about Eliza? They think of nothing else! They think of her vowels, herconsonants, her manners, her clothes.


Act Ⅲ, SceneⅡ: Originally, Act 3 of Pygmalion consisted only of the first scene. The writer stated thatlater on it was pointed out to him that he had omitted the“obligatory scene”, the one in which Eliza finallydoes pass her test and Higgins wins his bet. Therefore, he wrote this scene and added it when he prepared theplay for reading. The film production of Pygmalion included this too. In the musical version of Pygmalion,My Fair Lady, the scene is elaborately produced. The Second Scene: Eliza, Higgins, and Pickering attendthe ambassadors’ reception, dressed in splendid evening clothes; Eliza’s beauty and elegance make her asensation. Unluckily, a former pupil of Higgins is also present, a Hungarian named Nepommuck. He boaststhat he can identify the background of any person by his or her speech. After conversing with Eliza, he reportsthat she is undoubtedly a Hungarian princess. The bet is won at last. Eliza and her two escorts leave.



Act Ⅳ: Eliza enters the laboratory of the house at Wimpole Street, followed by Higgins and Pickering.

They have just returned home from the reception. Eliza has been through a grueling day, during which shehas attended a garden party, a formal dinner, and an evening reception, behaving without an error the wholetime. Her strain and bitter unhappiness are brilliantly indicated in this scene. She sits immobile in herevening gown and jewels, hearing Higgins discuss his boredom, hearing Pickering congratulate, not her, butHiggins on the achievement. Higgins’ indifference to Eliza’s everyday usefulness is also shown. He wantshis slippers. Eliza brings them. Higgins comes down to the laboratory again for his forgotten slippers. Elizathrows them at him. He is amazed. He demands an explanation. What is to become of her, she asks. She hasbeen made into a creature who is not fit for any normal way of life. Higgins refuses to get excited. He suggeststhat she might get married, or perhaps she would rather open a florist’s shop. Eliza asks whether the clothesPickering has bought her during the experiment actually belong to her. She returns her jewels (rented for theoccasion) to Higgins so that they may be safe and she can also be saved herself from false accusations of theft.

She returns to Higgins a ring he bought her when they were at that seaside resort. He throws it angrily into thefireplace when he goes upstairs. She crawls on her hands and knees until she finds it again, for she cannotbear to leave it where he has thrown it. Yet she does not want to take it with her. She finally puts it down on astand that holds candies and fruits. Then she leaves the room too.

第四幕第二场:这又是一出供阅读或电影制作选用的戏。这里演到伊莉莎凄凄惨惨地离开了温波街的房子。她在外边看到了害相思病的人儿佛莱第·因斯福德-希尔,他夜里多半都在那里痴痴地盯着她的窗子。看到她,他吃了一惊,把她拥在怀里。孤独又伤心的她,回报了他的拥抱。她甚至告诉佛莱第,她准备跳河。为了希金斯的缘故,她有了一段头脑与神经极度紧张的被摧残的经历,到头来只是发现,他没有注意到她经历了这一切。他轻率地把她竭尽全力所做的事说成是她不紧张,她“没有问题”。 伊莉莎和佛莱第决定乘出租车逛一夜,隔天早晨去听希金斯夫人的意见。

Act Ⅳ, SceneⅡ: This is an another optional scene for reading or for film production. Eliza is shownleaving the house at Wimpole Street in a wretched state. Outside, she finds the lovelorn Freddy Eynsford-Hill, who spends most nights there gazing at her window. Freddy is surprised into embracing her. Lonely andunhappy, she responds. She even says to Freddy that her plan was to throw herself into the river. She has hadthe bruising experience of extending herself to the last extreme of her mind and nerves for Higgins’ sake, onlyto find that he has not noticed that she has done so. He has airily passed off the strain of what she has done bysaying that she was not nervous, that she was“all right”. Eliza and Freddy decide to ride around in a taxiall night and then ask Mrs. Higgins’ advice in the morning.

第五幕:早晨,伊莉莎到希金斯夫人家寻求庇护和忠告。希金斯夫人的女仆告诉她,她的儿子和辟克林来了。他们正给警察打电话,宣称伊莉莎不见了。希金斯夫人捎话让伊莉莎待在楼上,别让他们看见,等她派人来叫。她对她儿子希金斯说伊莉莎一定有什么问题才逃走的,但希金斯说她“没有问题”。 伊莉莎一直照管他的财产,安排他的约会,而今天早晨,她不在家让他受了罪。母子间的谈话被阿尔弗雷德·杜利特尔的到来给打断了。他从上到下衣着考究,头上是高高的礼帽,脚上是一双漆皮的皮鞋。他对希金斯怒不可遏,因为希金斯曾给一个美国百万富翁的信中提到,杜利特尔是英国最有见解的伦理学家,其结果是富翁在遗嘱中给杜利特尔留下了每年4000英镑。这样,杜利特尔再也不是一个快乐的不值得帮助的穷人了;他把过去的穷日子看成是失去的幸福。他郁郁不乐地列举出他新地位的诸多坏处。他甚至连勇气也被百万富翁的钱夺走了。他找不到力量来拒绝每年4000英镑。如果他不接受,他也许面临着年老时进孤老院的命运。希金斯夫人现在告诉儿子,伊莉莎就在屋里。她给希金斯和辟克林解释为什么他们的行为对伊莉莎是自私无情的。在希金斯夫人的建议下,伊莉莎来见她的两位老师时,杜利特尔到阳台上等着。伊莉莎对希金斯冷淡而不失礼貌,对辟克林则非常热情地致谢。她已是改变了的人。不知是怎么回事,她在学会新的语言与新的举止的同时,也获得了一种新的人性。新的伊莉莎明白,贵妇人与卖花女的区别不在她的举止,而在人们如何对待她。正当她说着再也不会发出往日习用的语音时,她父亲突然招呼不打就露面了。杜利特尔说,他要娶伊莉莎的“后妈”。伊莉莎同意去参加婚礼。她去取帽子,很快就回来了。辟克林要去参加婚礼,作男傧相,希金斯夫人也要作为嘉宾出席婚礼。


Act Ⅴ: In the morning Eliza goes to Mrs. Higgins’ house for refuge and advice. Mrs. Higgins’ parlormaidinforms her that her son and Pickering are in the house. They are telephoning the police and announcing thatEliza is missing. Mrs. Higgins sends word to Eliza to stay upstairs out of sight until she sends for her. Shesays to her son Higgins that something must be wrong for Eliza to run away. But Higgins says that she is“allright”. Eliza has been taking care of his possessions and his appointments, and this morning he is sufferingfrom her absence. The conversation between Mrs. Higgins and her son is interrupted by the arrival of AlfredDoolittle. He is magnificently dressed, from his top hat to his patent leather shoes. He is furious at Higgins, forHiggins once mentioned in a letter to an American millionaire that Doolittle was the most original moralist inEngland, with the result that the millionaire has left Doolittle £4,000 a year in his will. Thus Doolittle is nolonger one of the happy undeserving poor; he looks back on his poor days as the time of lost happiness. Withgloomy relish, he lists the many disadvantages of his new status. He has even been robbed of his courage bythe millionaire’s money. He cannot find the strength to refuse four thousand pounds a year. If he does notaccept it, he must face old age as a pauper in the workhouse. Mrs. Higgins now tells her son that Eliza is in thehouse. She explains to him and to Pickering why their conduct was thoughtless and unfeeling toward Eliza. AtMrs. Higgins’ suggestion, Mr. Doolittle waits out on the balcony as Eliza comes to confront her two teachers.

Eliza is coolly polite to Higgins but really warm in her thanks to Pickering. She is transformed human being.

Somehow, as she has acquired new speech and new manners, she has acquired also a new kind of humanity.

The new Eliza understands that the difference between a lady and a flower girl is not how she acts, but howpeople act towards her. Eliza is just saying that she will never again make one of her old sounds when herfather appears without warning. Doolittle announces that he is about to marry Eliza’s“step-mother”. Elizaagrees to attend the wedding. She goes to get her hat and returns quickly. Pickering will attend Doolittle asbest man. Mrs. Higgins will be a wedding guest. Doolittle and Pickering leave for the church. Mrs. Higginsgoes to get ready. Higgins and Eliza are left alone. Higgins sometimes cajoles her and sometimes abuses her.

He wants her to return to his house. He admits that he would miss her if he should not see her any more. Elizacannot endure the fact that Higgins has no real feeling for her. She says she does not want Higgins to be inlove with her, but she does want him to have some human regard for her. She says she will earn her living as ateacher of phonetics and marry Freddy as soon as she can support him. Higgins is in a rage, but he is baffled.

As the play ends, Eliza goes out with Mrs. Higgins, leaving Higgins laughing contemptuously as he thinks ofEliza marrying Freddy.


The Concluding Essay: Shaw explains what happened to the characters in the play. Eliza did not marryHiggins. He was too attached to his mother and to his work. Eliza married Freddy. With the financial aid ofColonel Pickering, they set up a florist’s shop. After early troubles caused by their inexperience, the shopprospered. Eliza remained close to Higgins and Pickering, although she always fought back vigorously whenHiggins tried to bully her. Alfred Doolittle became a success with the highest social classes. Clara, Freddy’ssister, got a job instead of living in discontented idleness.


Since Pygmalion had its world premiere in Vienna in October, 1913 (the next month, it opened in sevendifferent European capitals in various translations, after which it enjoyed a hugely successful production inLondon in 1914), it has been one of Bernard Shaw’s most popular plays. Not only have there been numerousstage productions of the play, but a film in 1938 and the overwhelmingly successful musical comedyadaptation of the 1950’s My Fair Lady give evidence of its great vitality. Today more people are probablyacquainted with Pygmalion in some form than with any other play by Shaw.

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