年少时她第一次见他便不可自拔的沉迷于他的魅力一下子就是十年十年默默无闻只等到他车祸身亡的噩耗这,让她措手不及重生后她不顾一切的来到他的身边试图扭转最后的结局却发现他竟是一颗让人流泪的洋葱使人琢磨不透褪去一层层外衣后除了他给她的痛苦什么都没有...“你爱我吗?”“我喜欢你...”爱和喜欢从来都是不一样的“有多喜欢?”“很喜欢很喜欢。”“那就证明给我看看吧。”只是证明他送给她三年的牢狱之灾三年后“我回来了。”...“为什么要杀我?”她不相信她不惜一切喜欢十三年的人会在她出狱后用刀尖指着自己“没关系,只要轻轻一下...一点都不疼”他说的那么若无其事云淡风轻的让她都信了....(有喜有悲不要错过哦)The Last Thing You Said
Last summer, Lucy's and Ben's lives changed in an instant. One moment, they were shyly flirting on a lake raft, finally about to admit their feelings to each other after years of yearning. In the next, Trixie—Lucy's best friend and Ben's sister—was gone, her heart giving out during a routine swim. And just like that, the idyllic world they knew turned upside down, and the would-be couple drifted apart, swallowed up by their grief. Now it's a year later in their small lake town, and as the anniversary of Trixie's death looms, Lucy and Ben's undeniable connection pulls them back together. They can't change what happened the day they lost Trixie, but the summer might finally bring them closer to healing—and to each other.