广袤太空,神秘莫测;大千世界,无奇不有;人类历史,纷繁复杂;个 体生命,奥妙无穷。《动物世界里的杀手(彩图版)》由江文编著,本书以新 颖的版式设计、图文并茂的编排形式和流畅有趣的语言叙述,全方位多角度 地探究了多领域的知识点,使读者体验不一样的阅读感受和揭秘快感,为读 者展示出更广阔的认知视野和想象空间,满足其探求真相的好奇心,使其在 获得宝贵的知识的同时也享受到愉悦的精神体验。Monkey
Probably the most popular book in the history of the Far East, this classic sixteenth century novel is a combination of picaresque novel and folk epic that mixes satire, allegory, and history into a rollicking adventure. It is the story of the roguish Monkey and his encounters with major and minor spirits, gods, demigods, demons, ogres, monsters, and fairies. This translation, by the distinguished scholar Arthur Waley, is the first accurate English version; it makes available to the Western reader a faithful reproduction of the spirit and meaning of the original.中华典故(语文新课标课外必读第十一辑)