A visitor from Peru, happening upon an exhibition of photographs from the Amazon jungle in an obscure Florentine picture gallery, finds his attention drawn to a picture of a tribal storyteller seated among a circle of Michiguenga Indians. There is something odd about the storyteller. He is too light-skinned to be an Indian. As the visitor stares at the photograph, it dawns on him that he knows this man. The storyteller is his long-lost friend, Saul Zuratas, his classmate from university who was thought to have disappeared in Israel. The Storyteller is a brilliant and compelling study of the world of the primitive and its place in our own modern lives.偷偷回望过的那个少年
两千多年前苟子就提出:“君子博学而日叁省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。”在这纷繁复杂的社会中,学会做人,用一颗平常心去面对世间的人与事,这样更容易得到别人的认可与接受,曲高和寡者终究会因不适应周围的环境而被淘汰出局。做人是大难事,也是一种高深的境界。从普通平凡到鹤立鸡群,从鹤立鸡群上升到超凡脱俗,这就达到了“做人”的最高境界。 《做人哲学全知道》对做人哲学做了全面的总结和归纳,得出人生哲学最精辟的结论:做人就是要处理好三种关系--人自己的心身关系、人与自然的天人关系、人与衬:会的人际关系。愿每一位读者看完《做人哲学全知道》后能够学习一些做人哲学,能够有所长进,在完美的人生道路上潇洒畅游。