《纳兰性德全集》以康熙三十年刊刻的纳兰性德的文集《通志堂集》为基准,另有补遗。本书《此生只读纳兰文:倾我一生一世念》收录了纳兰性德具有代表性的经解、文、序、记、书简等,并由专家对其做了精心注释,版式精美,是纳兰迷值得珍藏的精品。Responsible Drinking for Women
Many women drink responsibly--but some have a more troubled relationship with alcohol. Studies regarding the effects of alcohol on women's health are contradictory--and it's not easy for concerned women to get a clear picture of the perils and positives of drinking.Alcohol affects women differently than men, and sometimes more severely. This ebook, written by Harvard professor and researcher Dr. Debi A. LaPlante, combines in-depth guidance and information from the latest studies about the effects of alcohol on women's physiology with compassionate, detailed advice on exploring your own relationship with alcohol and how to quit or scale back drinking. This book is essential reading for any woman who wonders whether her drinking might be a problem.