广袤太空,神秘莫测;大千世界,无奇不有;人类历史,纷繁复杂;个 体生命,奥妙无穷。《动物世界里的杀手(彩图版)》由江文编著,本书以新 颖的版式设计、图文并茂的编排形式和流畅有趣的语言叙述,全方位多角度 地探究了多领域的知识点,使读者体验不一样的阅读感受和揭秘快感,为读 者展示出更广阔的认知视野和想象空间,满足其探求真相的好奇心,使其在 获得宝贵的知识的同时也享受到愉悦的精神体验。绿色发展(地球一小时)
绿色发展理念来源于三方面: 一是中国古代“天人合一”的智慧,成为现代的天人合一观,即源于自然,顺其自然,益于自然,反哺自然;人类与自然共生、共处、共存、共荣,呵护人类共有的绿色家园; 二是马克思主义自然辩证法,成为现代的唯物辩证法; 三是可持续发展,成为现代工业文明的发展观。
Confidential Clerk
The Confidential Clerk was first produced at the Edinburgh Festival in the summer of 1953.'The dialogue of The Confidential Clerk has a precision and a lightly felt rhythm unmatched in the writing of any contemporary dramatist.' Times Literary Supplement'A triumph of dramatic skill: the handling of the two levels of the play is masterly and Eliot's verse registers its greatest achievement on the stage-passages of great lyrical beauty are incorporated into the dialogue.'