《莎士比亚书店》是创办者毕奇小姐的回忆录,书中不仅讲述了书店经营中的欢乐、悲伤、成就、遗憾和与很多知名作家、艺术家交往的细节,也记录了20世纪二三十年代文化和社会变迁。 毕奇小姐以率直风趣的文笔,将繁华热闹的巴黎左岸风景徐徐展开:乔伊斯禁书《尤利西斯》的出版盛况;安塞尔《机械芭蕾》的疯狂演出;海明威解放剧院街的神勇英姿;顺着书店招牌爬上自己公寓的乔治`安太尔,醉酒差点跳下楼的菲兹杰拉德,拿乌龟捉弄人的纪德……守着这座书本砌成的城堡,一位单纯的爱书人西尔维亚毕奇,看遍作家百态,尝尽人世冷暖,见证一段以书结缘的文坛传奇。Museum of Innocence
The Museum of Innocence-set in Istanbul between 1975 and today-tells the story of Kemal, the son of one of Istanbul's richest families, and of his obsessive love for a poor and distant relation, the beautiful Fusun, who is a shop-girl in a small wkkk.net novel depicts a panoramic view of life in Istanbul as it chronicles this long, obsessive, love affair between Kemal and Fusun; and Pamuk beautifully captures the identity crisis esperienced by Istanbul's upper classes who find themselves caught between traditional and westernised ways of wkkk.net the past ten years, Pamuk has been setting up a museum in the house in which his hero's fictional family lived, to display Kemal's strange collection of objects associated with Fusun and their relationship. The museum will be called The Museum of Innocence and it opens in 2010.