初见,她神秘莫测,再见,她为复仇而来,机缘巧合成为他的妻。初见,他狼狈不堪,再见,他神秘强大,她助他守护家族。她说:你我不过是有名无实,不需要如此作假。我已帮你完一切,是否该放我离去。他说:你已经驻扎在我心里,对你何须作假。杜梦璃,你一日是我妻,今生今世便都是,想让我放开你,你休想。Dropping Ashes on the Buddha
Somebody comes into the Zen center with a lighted cigarette, walks up to the Buddha statue, blows smoke in its face, and drops ashes on its lap. You are standing there. What can you do? This is a problem that Zen Master Seung Sahn is fond of posing to his American students who attend his Zen centers. Dropping Ashes on the Buddha is a delightful, irreverent, and often hilariously funny living record of the dialogue between Korean Zen Master Seung Sahn and his American students. Consisting of dialogues, stories, formal Zen interviews, Dharma speeches, and letters using the Zen Master's actual words in spontaneous, living interaction with his students, this book is a fresh presentation of the Zen teaching method of instant dialogue between Master and student which, through the use of astonishment and paradox, leads to an understanding of ultimate reality.枕上暖婚:萌上小甜妻