从小奶奶就说我娘娘命,可是……长大了以后我发现我根本就做不了娘娘,因为是我长的太黑了,堪比包公。被一个脸盆砸昏也能穿越吗?居然莫名地穿越到了雾金天朝,居然因为长得黑嫁给皇帝楚桓,难道我真有娘娘命?一见面他封我为“煤妃”不用怀疑,是煤炭的煤。煤就煤吧,只要能保住小命,于是……我开始了我的深宫生活。@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@1、《穿越之丑妃来仪》宣传视频(主角的样子):2、测测你是《穿越之丑妃来仪》中的谁?(仅供娱乐)http://m.wkkk.net/china/?id=147953、测测你与《穿越之丑妃来仪》中哪位男主有缘(仅供娱乐)http://m.wkkk.net/china/?id=147964、测测《穿越之丑妃来仪》中男主见你会怎么样(仅供娱乐)http://m.wkkk.net/china/?id=147975、测测如果你穿越到雾金天朝(仅供娱乐)http://m.wkkk.net/china/?id=14798@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@公告:强烈推荐小莫的另一部穿越文《极品色妃》,希望大家多多支持。隆重推荐朋友的一部穿越文《情欲天下》@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@推荐一下朋友的精文:秋月怡莎:《不做皇后》清风月影:《色女驯夫》《恨妃》落雪轻盈:《老婆说的是》http://m.wkkk.net/m.wkkk.net?bookid=58687旋舞花:《穿越之我是巫女》晴沁:《宛如雪》Misty Gordon and the Mystery of the Ghost Pirates
Here is a funny middle-grade mystery from a bright new fiction talent. Things in the New England town of Ashcrumb are getting weird. Or just weirder. Misty Gordon, whose antique-dealing parents drive a van that says "D.E.A.D." on the side (for "Deceased’s Estate and Antique Dealer"), is accustomed to weird. One day, when accompanying her father to the estate of a recently departed clairvoyant, Misty discovers a notebook and a pair of eyeglasses that enable her to see ghosts! And solve mysteries. With the help of her new powers and her best friend, Yoshi, Misty learns that her hometown was settled not by respectable colonists but by pirates! And the ghosts of the pirates are returning to reclaim a dangerous, powerful treasure they lost centuries ago. Who will find it first, Misty or the pirates?