某天,当顾玺把苏无双拐回家之后,眼底满是笑意。“你长得好萌,虽然不是很好看,但很合我意,可惜就是胸小了点,可是我还是想睡你,怎么办?”“……”苏无双内心吐槽:【把胸小那句话藏起来,她会很感动的!可是她现在只想打人!往死里打!只是粉丝们表打她就好了啊!】小剧场:苏无双跟顾玺对视着,两人深情款款的看着对方,就在这时,顾玺助理的声音响起,“我拍了啊!”顾玺就在最后一刻,直接吻上了苏无双,苏无双没有反应过来,双眼不可思议的瞪着顾玺,随后推开。“我靠!装情侣公布恋情罢了!为毛要亲我。”“做情侣就要像一些,反正拍戏也是亲。”“你不是不拍吻戏的吗?初吻给我了?”“是的。”“······”直到晚上,苏无双看着躺在自己身边的顾玺,不爽的心情怒吼道。“你他妈的不就是个假装情侣吗?还要同居?同居就算了,你这把我吃了是怎么回事。”“履行情侣该做的事情。”【mmp的!想打人。】——————————————————已有旧文《王牌娇宠:军少带妻种田》《快穿:带着萌宝闯古代》小号依情雪见《国民小天后:军少宠入怀》《倾世宠妃:锦绣红妆》When You Wish upon a Rat
With echoes of such classic wish-gone-wrong books as Freaky Friday, Half Magic, and Coraline, this terrific novel has the potential to become a middle-grade wkkk.net-year-old Ruth Craze is pretty sure she's stuck in the wrong life. With an absentminded inventor for a father and a flighty artist for a mother, it's always reliable Ruth who ends up doing the dishes, paying the bills, and finding lost socks. Her brothers are no help (they're too busy teasing her), and her friends have just decided she's not cool enough to be a part of their group anymore. So when Rodney the Rat —a slightly sinister stuffed animal that was a gift from her favorite aunt —suggests a way out, Ruth is ready to risk everything. Three wishes. Three chances to create her perfect life. A million ways to get it wkkk.net for When You Wish Upon a Rat"Winning, original moments." —Kirkus Reviews"An engaging look at friendship and family." —Booklist相见,不如怀念(全本)