她是出身高贵的名媛千金,为了深爱的男人甘愿受尽辛苦和磨难,陪着男人从一无所有到功成名就,原以为幸福才刚刚开始,却遭遇了爱情和友情的双重背叛,外公惨死,妈妈逼疯,家破人亡。当熊熊的烈火将她燃烧成为灰烬的那一刻,她含恨发誓,哪怕化成厉鬼,也要让那对贱人死无葬身之地!然而冤魂不死,侥幸重生。这一世她再也不相信爱情和友情,把心藏在坚硬的躯壳里小心翼翼的守护着,只为了在乎的亲人而活。可是这个深沉强势的男人却以强势霸道的姿态闯入她的生活,不由分说的粉碎她坚硬的外壳,掠夺她的心,硬生生的将她拽进他的世界一起沉沦。很久之后,她泪流满面的发现,这个冷漠到了极致的男人早已经爱她爱到了骨髓里。Before He Covets (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 3
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 600 five star reviews), comes book #3 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE COVETS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 3), newly minted FBI agent Mackenzie White graduates the FBI Academy in Quantico only to find herself thrown into an urgent serial killer case. Women are turning up dead while camping in a remote national park in West Virginia. Yet the park is vast, and no connection can be found between them.At the same time, Mackenzie receives a call from Nebraska urging her to come home. After many years, a new clue has surfaced about her father's murder. The case no longer cold, Mackenzie desperately needs to help solve it.