《读人先读心心理丛书:每天学一点管理心理学》将为你揭示管理与心理学之间千丝万缕的关联,并为你展示合理运用二者所能缔造的管理奇迹……对于成功的管理者来说,掌握了揣摩人心的基本功,才能知其所需、投其所好,以激励人心,创建高效团队;掌握了快速识人的途径,才能用人之长、避人之短,以合理放权、控制,完成工作任务。A Radiant Life
A Radiant Life presents the unequivocal voice of Nuala O'Faolain tackling a vast range of subjects from Catholicism to feminism, from Sinatra to Africa, and from Irish American culture to Islam and the West. Curious and funny, tender and scathing, O'Faolain's columns were never less than trenchant and were always passionate. "I was blinded by the habit of translating everything into personal terms," she writes apologetically, but this is the power of her journalism. Through the prism of casual, everyday encounters, O'Faolain presses her subject, reaching beyond the prompting of the moment to transcend topicality. The result is a cumulative historical narrative, an inadvertent chronicle of a transformed Ireland by one of its sharpest observers and canniest wkkk.net for A Radiant Life:"This book is a gift." -The Boston Globe城市贫困家庭治理政策研究