每个男人都是一头野兽,兽欲潜藏在你的内心。不可否认征服与占有的快感。功成名就、妻妾成群,古往今来,或明或暗,都让你我心里想的痒痒。这个故事中的欲望,来源于周围的人,石三努力的思索,却不能完全表达出来。适度意淫,总之不会让大家看的憋屈就是了。故事概要:毕业三个月的内连续失业三次的汪大林捡到了一颗玻璃球,随即、巨型牛肉馅饼接连二三的砸到了他的头上。本以为这辈子注定是小人物的他,却拥有巨龙语言的天赋。一个普通的五雷咒,也能发挥出惊天动力的威力。魔机一般的金属巨兽,强化的恐怖魔兽,神界的黄金巨龙——让整个修真界都看到,渺小的兽修,也能拥有强大的力量!本书群号:石三书友会:29829723(已满)《龙语兽修》书友会:36553212(已满)《龙语兽修》:24086023(未满)龙语兽修书友群:38538190(未满)欢迎大家加入进来!The Uncanny Express (The Unintentional Adventures
Jaundice and Kale are back from their adventure on the high seas, and they are settling back into a quiet life in Dullsville, just the way they like it. The tea is tepid, the oatmeal is tasteless, and the socks are ripe for darning … until Aunt Shallot shows up and reveals herself to be anything but the dull relation they were expecting. Instead, she tells her nieces she is Magique, Queen of Magic, and she's on her way to a big show and in need of two willing assistants. As Magique and the Bland sisters board the Uncanny Express, they meet a cast of mystifying characters. And when Magique goes missing, it's up to Jaundice and Kale to solve the mystery—with the help of famous detective Hugo Fromage. An inventive story in the tradition of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express, TheUnintentional Adventures of the Bland Sisters: The Uncanny Express has all the whimsy and humor that readers who are looking for an anything-but-bland adventure will love.有6Q的孩子必看的好故事