梦,这个字充满着无尽的遐想,它陪伴我们度过了人生中一个又一个夜晚。从古至今,我们一直在猜测梦,想知道它变幻莫测的内容是否预示着什么。我们想了解梦,想破解梦,更想掌握梦,而解梦学说也从未离开过人类的发展史。从上古的猜测迷信,到现今的科学分析,解梦学说一直在发展。许多已经得到证实的解梦理论不仅帮助我们解答了梦中的疑惑,更帮助我们了解到了人生的种种。我们的情感、意志、思想、健康都能在梦中得到反映,科学的解梦可以促使我们更加深入自己的生活,不仅仅是一种乐趣,更是一种渴望。Realm of the Pagans
Martine is happily engaged to Kelvin until he unceremoniously dumps her in Greece. When handsome, arrogant Luke Leoros proposes instead, Martine is happy to accept--only to prove to Kelvin that she's over him.But Luke is also no stranger to heartbreak--and after his own painful breakup, he no longer believes in love. Still, Martine finds herself irresistibly drawn to him--and his caresses set her blood on fire. When Kelvin returns and begs her to take him back, will Martine agree or stay with the man who stirs her passion and her heart?健康快乐才是福:老爸老妈不生病的智慧