身为皇女,却是连奴仆都能踩上两脚。再温顺的兔子急了还会张开利齿,更何况人。于是,受尽欺辱的皇女凤五,有一天身体内生出了第二个灵魂……凤五,软弱隐忍凤无便腹黑狠辣。凤五,不争不抢凤无便掠夺成性。也就在那一天凤无遇上了以克死了全家闻名天下的煞王,季孙绝。两人相遇的第一句便是,“呵呵,好巧,你也出来杀人啊。”#听说蛇精病和扫把星更配哦##没点精神病都不好意思说自己是主角系列#A Topps League Story
The Pine City Porcupines' batboy, Chad, breaks an important unofficial rule of baseball: Don't talk to the starting pitcher when he's got a perfect game going, where not a single opponent has reached base. Now, because Chad opened his mouth, the entire Pines dugout is upset, the team may lose to the second-to-last-place West Valley Varmints, and Chad has to consult his baseball card collection to figure out how to help his beloved team pull off the perfect game.