人生悲催的事,莫过于写情书给人家,结果被无视。比悲催更悲催的事,莫过于多年后,还要去巴结讨好这个忽视了自己情书的对象。比悲催更悲催更悲催的事,莫过于此时,人家左右逢源,而自己则是大龄剩女一枚......夏言歌,这个悲催的N次方集合体,要怎么在这个被剩下的世界里面,逆转乾坤呢?唯有下策:不主动,不拒绝,不负责,来者不拒,多多益善。脱剩之路,任重而道远,革命尚未成功,同志仍需努力!***流年浅殇,心醉不过你,年少模样。你是谁的梦里少年,凭空撕扯记忆里一片苍凉,让我哀也张狂,泪也芬芳,万劫不复,依然相信地久天长。【四海阁】爱是天时地利的迷信。推荐完结文《莫须轻言誓年华》,新文《推倒炼金术师攻略》Death at La Fenice
Death at La Fenice is the first novel in Donna Leon's internationally best-selling Commissario Guido Brunetti series. During intermission at the famed La Fenice opera house in Venice, a notoriously difficult conductor is poisoned, and suspects abound. Brunetti, a native Venetian, sets out to unravel the mystery behind the high-profile murder. To do so, he he calls on his knowledge of Venice, its culture, and its dirty politics. Revenge, corruption, and even Italian cuisine play a role. The novel that started it all, Death at La Fenice is an entrancing mystery, rich in wkkk.net detective writers create so vivid, inclusive and convincing a narrative as Donna Leon, the expatriate American with the Venetian heart… . One of the most exquisite and subtle detective series ever. —The Washington Post至尊狂妃:随身淘宝太逆天