
第2章 Harvard University: Veritas



Back to its origin

Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, was founded in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was named after the College"s first benefactor, the young minister John Harvard of Charlestown, who upon his death in 1638 left his library and half his estate to the institution. A statue of John Harvard stands today in front of University Hall in Harvard Yard, and is perhaps the University"s best known landmark.It strives to "create an academic environment in which outstanding students and scholars from around the world are continually challenged and inspired to do their best possible work." Harvard University is located in Cambridge, Mass., and is one of the leading academic institutions in not only the United States but in the world.

More information

International applicants: Prospective Harvard undergraduates from outside the U.S. and Canada follow the same timeline for admissions as students in the United States. However, students applying from abroad must follow additional instructions when submitting an admissions application. Foreign applicants must also submit the SAT English proficiency test and international financial aid application. Students applying to Harvard must have experience or achievements in study or research, documented contributions to schools or communities and demonstrated excellence in particular academic or extracurricular endeavors.

Scholarships: Harvard University does not offer merit-based scholarships or athletics scholarships to undergraduate applicants. The only financial aid that Harvard University grants is need-based. Therefore, it is important to carefully gather you and your family"s financial information and submit it along with your application for admissions, carefully following the instructions in the financial aid application. However, in addition to the tuition reduction that Harvard will allot based on the applicant"s need, it is also possible to apply directly for scholarships from various organizations. In order to do so, you must research the opportunities available based on your residence and your academic, athletic and leadership achievements.

Interdisciplinary Nature: Harvard is known for the quality of its graduate program in the field of economic research, although it should be noted that the undergraduate department is considered among the best in the world as well.And Harvard"s program is well known for its interdisciplinary nature: Students regularly conduct research with other departments such as the school of business, the law school and the school of government.


benefactor [benfkt] n. 恩人;施主;捐助者

estate [isteit] n. 财产;身份;房地产

statue [sttju:] n. 雕像,塑像

landmark [lndmɑ:k] n. 陆标,地标;里程碑

strive [straiv] vi. 努力奋斗;力争

inspire [inspai] vt. 鼓舞;激励

proficiency [prfinsi] n. 精通,熟练

demonstrate [demnstreit] vt. 证明;论证;展示

extracurricular [ekstrkrikjul] adj.


endeavor [endev] n. 努力,尽力

merit-based [merit-beist] adj.


need-based [ni:d-beist] adj. 建立在需求上的(奖学金)

interdisciplinary [int(:)disiplinri] adj.








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