
Elf Realm

状态:连载作者:Daniel Kirk

With The Low Road, Daniel Kirk has created a mystical world that will keep readers coming back for more. When Matt and his family move to a new neighborhood, they don't realize they've inadvertently stumbled into the middle of massive upheaval in the fairy world. With the elves' territory disintegrating and dark factions looking to seize control, apprentice mage Tuava-Li must defend her way of life—even when that means cooperating with Matt, a human and a natural enemy, as he may just hold the key to saving the Elf Realm from certain destruction.

第14章 (2020-09-28 06:12:38)
  • A Short History of Myth

    A Short History of Myth

    Human beings have always been mythmakers. So begins best-selling writer Karen Armstrong's concise yet compelling investigation into myth: what it is, how it has evolved, and why we still so desperately need it. She takes us from the Paleolithic period and the myths of the hunters right up to the Great Western Transformation of the last five hundred years and the discrediting of myth by science. The history of myth is the history of humanity, our stories and beliefs, our curiosity and attempts to understand the world, which link us to our ancestors and each other. Heralding a major series of retellings of international myths by authors from around the world, Armstrong's characteristically insightful and eloquent book serves as a brilliant and thought-provoking introduction to myth in the broadest senseand explains why if we dismiss it, we do so at our peril.
  • Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard
  • Entre el trabajo y el cuidado de los nuestros

    Entre el trabajo y el cuidado de los nuestros

    La asombrosa cifra de 42 millones de estadounidenses se enfrenta a los desafíos de tener que cuidar de un ser querido y trabajar al mismo tiempo. A pesar de que la prestación de cuidados puede ser una experiencia muy gratificante, este rol acarrea una enorme responsabilidad--y presiones--. Esta guía de AARP te ofrece recursos prácticos y sugerencias fáciles de encontrar cuando más los necesitas, ya sea que estés cuidando diariamente a un ser querido, estés planificando para una situación futura o te encuentres en medio de una crisis. Y de igual importancia, este libro te ayuda a ocuparte del cuidador--o sea, de ti mismo--. La autora, Amy Goyer, experta en envejecimiento y familias, ofrece información, inspiración y su propia y conmovedora historia como encargada directa del cuidado de sus padres.
  • She, Myself, and I

    She, Myself, and I

    Ever since Rosa's nerve disease rendered her quadriplegic, she's depended on her handsome, confident older brother to be her rock and her mirror. But when a doctor from Boston chooses her to be a candidate for an experimental brain transplant, she and her family move from London in search of a miracle. Sylvia—a girl from a small town in Massachusetts —is brain dead, and her parents have agreed to donate her body to give Rosa a new life. But when Rosa wakes from surgery, she can' t help but wonder, with increasing obsession, who Sylvia was and what her life was like. Her fascination with her new body and her desire to understand Sylvia prompt a road trip based on self-discovery… and a surprising new romance. But will Rosa be able to solve the dilemma of her identity?
  • Madame Chiang Kai-shek
  • 无事生非


  • 爱你泪流成河


  • 黑执事之我真的不想要执事


    宝贝们,天雷又狗血的黑历史产物,不确定什么时候重新写过,所以怕被雷就别看,真的 然后也别打低分,求求你们了,不喜欢就退出去吧 爱你们(???(???c) 从二十一世纪的华夏到女王统治的英国,夏季清晰的知道自己穿越了。在避免流落街头后,穿越了三个月的她在参观一个古老的庄园是,遇到了一个长着犄角的恶魔。嗯,那个恶魔,叫做塞巴斯蒂安·米卡利斯。然后,夏季就知道了另一个事实,自己穿越了的地方,是一个动漫世界里。但是她穿过来不是为了走剧情,因为夏尔死了好几百年了。所以,她是过来干什么的?
  • 丹路仙华


  • 萌宝来袭:爹地,妈咪要撩你!


  • 国宾摩托车护卫队始末


  • 刘志丹


  • 邪王魔尊,妃常桃花多


  • 无心魔妃


  • 废土傀儡师

