一个低调行事的呆萌学霸,在神秘的西双版纳被另一个不苟言笑的冰山男盯上了,她隐藏着身世的惊天秘密,低调暗恋着自己的初恋,多年过后,山水有相逢,不爱自己的男人登上娱乐圈的至上之位,刚刚相逢,冰山男却化身精英机长海外归来,盯了那么久的猎物,怎么能拱手让人?白璃茉身世之谜渐渐曝光,却是一个血光冲天的祸路,她一次次逃离,只为了普通的生活和梦想,却不想,千年血玉、影子世家、诡异冰戒指、棺材里走出来的古袍男人......扑朔迷离的神秘家族让她的生活平静一次次被打破。这位大小姐怒了,总有刁民想害我?!Voyagers II
Keith Stoner had been in a state of suspended animation for eighteen years. It was eighteen years earlier that Stoner had been an American member of a joint U.S. - Soviet venture to capture an alien ship, but when the Soviets had to pull out, Stoner willfully persisted and it was then, during that time on the strange ship that Stoner fell into the strange state that was neither here, nor there.Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Stoner is now head of Vanguard Industries, which has recovered the alien ship. As a result, her company now controls the vast new technology and the fortune it reaps in - as well as control of Keith Stoner. What Camerata doesn't know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the labyrinths of Stoner's mind.