作为实力雄厚香水集团富二代兼研究院继承人的高楠楠,因为实验失误爆炸,穿越成调香世家慕府嫡女慕天香,奈何娘亲惨死,明明身为下一代大当家的继承人,却奶奶不疼爹爹不爱,还要处处提防姨娘妹妹使坏,更有人不断暗中陷害。万般无奈,她只好用一纸契约,将幕府产业悉数奉上,顺便打着两全其美的旗号,将自己倒贴白送给那个身出将门,独爱经商好龙阳的断背男人,她为寻求庇护,他也需要一个挡箭牌的夫人。可是为何什么婚后生活并不如她预期那般,她的名义夫君不是只喜男色厌红妆么?为何总来找她盖棉被闲聊天?一纸红妆,十里飘香。娇颜拈香,只为君商。多年后,花前月下,某女巧笑嫣嫣道:“夫君,你当初做了这么一笔超值的买卖,你娘知道吗?” ***** 另有完结作品《逃家小爱人》,坑品有保证,跪求支持!Voyagers III
Jo Camerata, the ambitious young student who fell in love with Keith Stoner, is now head of Vanguard Industries which has recovered an alien ship. As a result, Jo's company now controls the incredible wealth of technology aboard the ship as well as the fortune it reaps in - not to mention control of Keith Stoner.What Camerata does not know, however, is that someone else has been awake, someone who dwells deep within the recesses of Stoner's mind. The alienate presence that has kept Stoner alive for so long is now free and fully intends to explore our world and will let nothing stand in its way.