学做小菜 泡菜 腌菜 酱菜
美味一小碟,餐桌不可缺。小菜、泡菜、腌菜、酱菜无疑是开胃的必备食物,老少皆宜。《美食天下(第2辑):学做小菜 泡菜 腌菜酱菜》将告诉您大厨不传的制作技巧,分步详解腌泡酱做法,让初学者轻松上手,成就爽口佐餐美食。极品妖孽:邪女王逆天重生
Booklist called Maresi "utterly satisfying and completely different from standard YA fantasy." Now, Naondel goes back to establish the world of the trilogy and tells the story of the First Sisters —the founders of the female utopia the Red Abbey. Imprisoned in a harem by a dangerous man with a dark magic that grants him power over life and death, the First Sisters must overcome their mistrust of one another in order to escape. But they can only do so at a great cost, both for those who leave and for those left behind. Told in alternating points of view, this novel is a vivid, riveting look at a world of oppression and exploitation, the mirror opposite of the idyllic Red Abbey.唯吾独尊:废物之崛起