《一生的资本:改变命运从掌握人生的资本开始全新实用版》一经问世,立刻引起了轰动。在美国,仅波士顿出版公司的一个版本一年就再版十多次。很多公立学校将《一生的资本》指定为教科书或参考书,该书在商人、教育人士、政府官员以及神职人员中也深受欢迎。在美国以外的国家,《一生的资本》也得到了大众的认可,意大利教育专员曾亲自写文章推荐《一生的资本:改变命运从掌握人生的资本开始全新实用版》What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Adapted into the classic 1993 film starring Johnny Depp as Gilbert and Leonardo DiCaprio in his Academy Award–nominated role as Arnie, What's Eating Gilbert Grape is the touching and entertaining story of an unusual family that rises up to do the astonishing…Gilbert Grape is a 24-year-old grocery store clerk stuck in Endora, Iowa, where the population is 1,091 and shrinking. After the suicide of Gilbert's father, his family never recovered. Once the town beauty queen, Gilbert's mother is morbidly obese after seven years of house-bound depression; his younger sister is boy-crazy and God-fearing, while his older sister sacrifices everything for her family. And then there's Arnie, Gilbert's younger brother with special needs. With no one else to care for Arnie, Gilbert becomes his brother's main parent, and all four siblings must tend to the needs of their helpless, grieving mother.