权贵公子?江洋大盗?他到底有多少种身份啊!甘田田只想过好自己的小日子,没想到却和这个古怪少年屡屡纠缠不清。什么,他的真实身份,居然是……明明是一部寒门少女奋斗史,从小学徒到大香师的励志故事,却因为某人的出现,演成了麻雀变凤凰的狗血剧?且笑看她,素手生暖香,翠袖凝流芳,为妃作歹——成就一场惊艳天下的传奇!---------------已有完结文《竞芳菲》、《御香》、《重生世家千金》、《女主江山》等,坑品优良,保证完本O(∩_∩)O~新书期间,求推荐点击收藏,蔷薇拜谢,亲们么么么么哒!The Golden Ass
Lucius Apuleius, a young man of good parentage, takes a trip to Thessaly. Along the way, amidst a series of bizarre adventures, he inadvertently offends a priestess of the White Goddess, who promptly turns him into an ass. How Lucius responds to his new misfortune, and ultimately finds a way to become human again, makes for a funny and fascinating tale.The Metamorphosis of Apuleius, referred to by St. Augustine as The Golden Ass, is the oldest novel written in Latin to survive in its entirety. Originally written by Lucius of Patrae, this translation by Robert Graves highlights the ribald humor and vivid sense of adventure present in the original. Providing a rare window in to the daily lives of regular people in ancient Greece, Robert Graves' translation of this classic tale is at once hilarious, informative, and captivating.