本书讲述了上起公元前 9世纪的行吟诗人荷马,下迄20世纪中华人民共和国的缔造者、伟领袖毛泽东。从中我们可以领略到开国元勋的王者风范,思想家的深邃睿智,政治家的宦海浮沉,文学家的沧桑人生,艺术家的独具匠心,科学家的智慧灵感及施行探险家的神奇经历……The Everafter War (Sisters Grimm #7)
Picking up after the dramatic cliffhanger that ended Book Six, Sabrina and Daphne's prayers are finally answered when their parents awake from their sleeping spell. But their happy reunion is short-lived, as they are caught in the middle of a war between the Scarlet Hand and Prince Charming's Everafter army. As the family works to help the prince's ragtag group of rebels and protect their friends, Sabrina comes face-to-face with the family's deadliest enemy—the mysterious Master—who reveals a secret so shocking it will rock the entire family to its core.