夯者脸上开心的笑容,幽默风趣的夯歌,瞎子富才与高平鼓书,心地善良的父亲母亲……作者用朴实的文笔,为我们描绘出了一幅幅充满乡土气息的温馨画面。使我们在感受人间真情的同时,也仿佛看到了,作者那颗善良、朴实的心灵。城市化的今天,乡村正远离我们而去。“我确信乡村会永远存在,而且会以一种稳定的姿态坚守着脚下的土地”。多么善良朴实的百灵啊!我深深地为她这份对土地对乡村的执着而感动着。Rites of Passage
The first volume of William Golding's Sea Trilogy. Sailing to Australia in the early years of the nineteenth century, Edmund Talbot keeps a journal to amuse his godfather back in England. Full of wit and disdain, he records the mounting tensions on the ancient, sinking warship where officers, sailors, soldiers and emigrants jostle in the cramped spaces below decks. Then a single passenger, the obsequious Reverend Colley, attracts the animosity of the sailors, and in the seclusion of the fo'castle something happens to bring him into a 'hell of degradation', where shame is a force deadlier than the sea itself. "e;The work of a master at the full stretch of his age and wisdom - necessary, provoking, urgent, rich, complex and rare"e;. (The Times). "e;An extraordinary novel"e;. (Observer). "e;Golding's best and most accessible story since Lord of the Flies"e;. (Melvyn Bragg).