[欢迎来看我的新书《惊世狂妃:王爷,放肆宠》,让你们体会一下什么叫巨宠无比!立志成为造糖机器的我…] 花小荷刚穿越,就莫名受了继母一顿毒打。他喵的,庶出怎么了?身为穿越者,她不要面子的啊?于是,她当街殴打了继母……被一位位高权重的王爷瞧见了。王爷甩了甩袖:“此等泼妇,无人敢要!”然而很快他就打脸了,皇帝下旨要把她许配给他。花小荷目露自信,勾了勾唇角:“听说王爷他俊美无双,却从不近女色?我倒要看看他定力如何?”【1v1互宠甜爽文】Zodiac
Zodiac, the brilliant second novel from the New York Times bestselling author of the The Baroque Cycle and Snow Crash, is now available from Grove Press. Meet Sangamon Taylor, a New Age Sam Spade who sports a wet suit instead of a trench coat and prefers Jolt from the can to Scotch on the rocks. He knows about chemical sludge the way he knows about evilall too intimately. And the toxic trail he follows leads to some high and foul places. Before long Taylor's house is bombed, his every move followed, he's adopted by reservation Indians, moves onto the FBI's most wanted list, makes up with his girlfriend, and plays a starring role in the near-assassination of a presidential candidate. Closing the case with the aid of his burnout roommate, his tofu-eating comrades, three major networks, and a range of unconventional weaponry, Sangamon Taylor pulls off the most startling caper in Boston Harbor since the Tea Party.