
第13章 对外英语广播的主持艺术——“硬新闻”(12)

Round 1-On-spot

Li Liying:Now let's start our first Round“On-spot”.I will try to contact with our correspondent Zhan Qiang.Hello,Zhan Qiang...How can they keep contacting with each other?

Zhan Qiang:Hello Liying,I am now standing at Beijing Traffic Arrangement Center.As you can see,the policemen behind me are all busy with their work.Today they have a special and important task—to ensure the marrow from the marrow donor program in Shanghai can be transported to the hospital in Xuanwu District in Beijing safely and quickly.Look at the screen behind me,it is the Beijing traffic information feed-back system diagram.As we can see,there are some green lines as well as some red ones.The red ones represent the roads where there are heavy traffic.And the green ones just indicate that the traffic is not heavy.I have just interviewed the commander here.He said his job is to direct the cars to avoid those busy roads,so that the marrow can be transported to the hospital in time.The driver and the commander keep contact with each other through those interphones which just like the navigation system.So the driver can follow the commander's order.Till now everything goes very well.This is correspondent Zhan Qiang reporting from Beijing.

Li Liying:Thank you for your report.

Shi Jinhua:Thanks for Zhan Qiang's report.Now let's welcome contestant number 2,Wang Zhuoran.Hello,Zhuoran.

Wang Zuoran:Hello Jinhua,Now I'm located in the Beijing Capital Airport,and within ten minutes the flight 233 from Shanghai will arrive.Now from the camera you can see the airport faculty is ready for the arriving.And an ambulance is just waiting behind the exit and making sure the marrow can will be transported to the hospital as soon as possible.Just now I interviewed an airport assistant,and she told me some details on the plane,like that the carrier needed to shake the preserving can every two minutes,for fear of the cell being curdled.Also this marrow box can't pass through the security check-point because the rays will damage and even kill the cell,so this box is the first thing which is admitted to be free from the check-point.So far everything is fine.

Shi Jinhua:I have a question for you:What's the response of the airport officials?

Wang Zhuoran:Well,we can see the airport pays great attention to this transportation and their service is more human-oriented.At last,I represent all the staff members of the airport to wish this marrow transplant program will proceed successfully.This is correspondent Zhuoran from Beijing Capital Airport.

Shi Jinhua:Thanks for your report.

Li Liying:This time I will contact with our correspondent Song Xuan,Hello Song Xuan.Could you tell us what is bone-marrow transplant?

Song Xuan:Hello,everyone.I am Song Xuan now at Chaoyang Hospital in Beijing and reprorting for you in front of the operation room..As we know that today there will be a bone-marrow transplant in this hospital.Now,it's already 7:00.You can see behind me,most people relating to this surgery are busy prepared around the gate.Just now,the patient today told me that,if she could be reborn,she would do her best to reward those who had ever helped her.And I also get some information from the in-charge-chief Doctor Wang who tells me that a successful bone marrow transplant requires expert medical doctors,nurse and other support staff who have very experienced in it.Luckily,what we own today is an intact system that can provide the patient and her families with emotional and psycological support in advance during and after the transplant.What's more,a BMT is relatively new medical procedure being used to treat once incurable diseases while it dose not privide 100%assurance that the disease will be overcome.Now it's time for the last circle of prepartion All the people except the doctor team is parted and the patient is lying on her bed and waiting for the anesthesia.All of us are feeling very nervous,including her mother who bursted into tears,saying she really appreciates everyone's care and no matter what the result is.But she believes it will be successful.So best wishes for them!And later I will offer the further information.Thank you very much!This is correspondent Song Xuan from Beijing.

Li Liying:Thank you for your report.

Shi Jinhua:Now it's time for the last contestant,Li Yanjie.Hello,Yanjie.

Li Yanjie:I am in the Shanghai Marrow Center.And after 3 hours'hard working,the suitabe marrow has been collected.An expert just told me the search started in the last year,it was very lucky to find the suitable marrow in Shanghai at last.And I just visted the donor Mr.Zhang.

Shi Jinhua:You've just mentioned Mr.Zhang.I want to know his health condition right now

Li Yanjie:He is at good condition now He told me that the process was not as horrible as he thought,he was happy and honored to do so.At last he sent his best wishes to Xiao Ming.Through the camera you can see all the workers are busy with the packing process.They will use the most advanced equipment to store.Ok,with the last working procedure finished,the collection part is done.They will send it to Beijing as quikly as they can.Let's hope everything will go well in Beijing and best wishes to Xiao Ming.This is Li Yanjie from Shanghai.Back to you Jinhua.

Shi Jinhua:Now let announce the result of the first part.Congratulations to…









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