【正文完结&番外ing】【新文《豪门危情,首席入骨毒宠》链载ing,在其他作品栏里,欢迎宝贝们跳坑!坑品有保证,绝对好文,收藏走起~】初涉职场,遇到一个傲娇的合作商,怎么破?“尹先生,我想和你签份合同,您看……”修长的指尖,划过男人刚毅的轮廓,像是弹奏钢琴一样,落下温柔的弧度!猛地一下子,男人宽厚的大手,收住女人娇软的小手。“想和我签约,那你觉得我可以给你创造多少钱的价值?”“两亿!”洛歆毫不忌讳的落下这两个字,却不想,话语刚刚落下,自己的身体便被猛地桎梏到了桌案上。“你……”“这个两亿的项目计划,我签了!”“什么?”随着她的错愕,男人真真切切的给了她第一次的两个亿。以后,只要再遇到她,他都会慷慨的给她两个亿。直到她怀孕,成了他的幸孕甜妻,她才知道,那个两个亿的项目计划,居然是——造人计划!【先把你骗到手,再把你骗回家,最后骗你一辈子!】媳妇不败家,挣钱给谁花!绝对宠文!The Casanova Embrace
From the carcass of a Washington, D.C. car bomb explosion, the CIA launches an investigation into the mysterious events leading to the assassination of Chilean dissident and infamous casanova, Eduardo Allesandro Palmero. As CIA investigator Alfred Dobbs rummages through the evidence, Palmero's mysterious life, from heir to the Chilean oligarchy to a fist-raising Marxist and trickster in disguise, comes to light. But what Dobbs soon discovers soars beyond his wildest imagination.At the height of international terrorism, Eduardo fights his war with an unlikely weapon—seduction. From Marie DeFarge to Frederika Millspaugh to Penny Anne McCarthy, Eduardo orders his sex-craving subjects into battle, tearing them from a life of tranquility and into the passionate caress of a man who will stop at nothing for a cause, his cause. Soon enough, Marie, Frederika and Anne are making headline news as part of a South American terror squad.