Murder in the Cathedral
Murder in the Cathedral, written for the Canterbury Festival on 1935, was the first high point on T. S. Eliot's dramatic achievement. It remains one of the great plays of the century. Like Greek drama, its theme and form are rooted in religion and ritual purgation and renewal, and it was this return to the earliest sources of drama that brought poetry triumphantly back to the English stage.快穿之虐渣真的超级爽
过去两年在土星的笼罩下,天秤遭遇许多无妄之灾,只能用倒霉二字形容,遭遇各种莫名的不顺,不能说什么,只能挽起袖子、努力拼了。 2013年是好消息频频的一年,相对于2012年的倒霉运来说,真实山穷水尽疑无路柳暗花明又一村。这有利的局面会持续到2015年,对天秤来说,是值得把握的事业黄金期。