人类先后经历了拓荒时代、黑暗时代、反击时代…直到现在,黄金时代即将拉开序幕…王牌贱队日常:“真爽啊!虐得她们不要不要的!”“你是不知道,她们死亡的时候那销魂的叫声…简直惨绝人寰!惨,实在是惨!”-----玩过《荣耀无双》这款游戏的都知道他们有多贱“喂喂喂,这可是莱特星的结晶生命之果好不好,你怎么能直接吃?”“那怎么办?”“应该加点糖!”-----所有生物基因领域的科学家都对他们恨之入骨“别人爱如潮水,你TM来个虫如潮水。这些可恶的虫子我可受不了!”“没办法啊,身后就是马德里要塞了,全是手无寸铁的观光者。”“嗯…那就拿出你的星际歼灭炮,狠狠干它娘的!”-----即使热血起来,也是相当的贱!King Jesus
In Graves' unique retelling of his life, Jesus is very much a mortal, and the grandson of King Herod the Great. When his father runs afoul of the King's temper and is executed, Jesus is raised in the house of Joseph the Carpenter. The kingdom he is heir to, in this version of the story, is very much a terrestrial one: the Kingdom of Judea. Graves tells of Jesus' rise as a philosopher, scriptural scholar, and charismatic speaker in sharp detail, as well as his arrest and downfall as a victim of pitiless Roman politics.