穿越到一直在玩的末日游戏里,时间是末世当天。本以为能紧抱剧情的金手指,谁想这世界与她在游戏中经历的相差甚远,还有那梅超风一般的十指和青灰色的皮肤是怎么回事?哦买嘎!这不是她预想的生活!为了在末世好好活(?)下去,她给自己制定了伟大的目标:多吃晶核少见人!这位丧尸小哥哥你的声音很熟悉啊?感觉在哪里听过。丧尸小哥哥咧嘴一笑,朝着她露出一口大白牙:很高兴你还记得我,实验室里的研究体小姐。原谅我的文案无能。简单来说,这是一个小丧尸的末世生存纪事,走剧情,期间也会有感情线,是那种细水长流的感情。至于为什么选末世呢,因为它不受道德约束,可以随心所欲的搞事情。取别人的经 理自己的财
如今,整个社会进入了全民理财的时代。中国一些城镇居民的家庭资产组合已由银行存款单一构成的局面,逐步被股票、基金、黄金、保险等更多金融资产组合所取代。许多人突然间发现,周遭的人们都已加入股民、基民大军,而自己变得落伍了。LAPD '53
James Ellroy, the undisputed master of crime writing, has teamed up with the Los Angeles Police Museum to present a stunning text on 1953 LA. While combing the museum's photo archives, Ellroy discovered that the year featured a wide array of stark and unusual imagery—and he has written 25,000 words that illuminate the crimes and law enforcement of the era. Ellroy o ffers context and layers on wild and rich atmosphere—this is the cauldron that was police work in the city of the tarnished angels more than six decades ago. More than 80 duotone photos are spread throughout the book in the manner of hard-edged police evidence.