本书讲述了改革开放以来,经过30多年的努力,中国特色社会主义法律体系已基本形成,在政~治、经济、文化、社会生活的各个方面基本做到了有法可依,为坚持和实施依法治国基本方略,推动和保障改革开放和社会主义现代化建设,实现国家长治久安,提供了有力的法制保障。中国知识产权司法保护 2009
Dean Jocelin has a vision: that God has chosen him to erect a great spire on his cathedral. His mason anxiously advises against it, for the old cathedral was built without foundations. Nevertheless, the spire rises octagon upon octagon, pinnacle by pinnacle, until the stone pillars shriek and the ground beneath it swims. Its shadow falls ever darker on the world below, and on Dean Jocelin in wkkk.net the author of Lord of the Flies, The Spire is a dark and powerful portrait of one man's will, and the folly that he creates.'A superb tragedy … the book should become a classic.' Sunday Telegraph'A marvel.' Frank Kermode, New York Review of Books.承诺:企业员工最有效的执行之道
《承诺:企业员工最有效的执行之道》简介:承诺意味着不管发生什么,都要有足够的耐心按质按量地完成任务;承诺也意味不管遇到什么困难,都没有任何借口,而要有足够的信心努力去执行任务;承诺还意味着不给自己留退路,抱有足够的决心,破釜沉舟,背水一战,一定把任务执行到底。 承诺也能够激发员工无穷的激情和潜能。一个优秀员工应该敢于大胆向上司承诺,不找任何借口。如此,在你的职业生涯中,将没有什么不可能!