

Then he wrote a letter answering hers and gave it to Hubub,who took it and returned with it to her mistress and forthright fell to extolling his charms to her and expiating on his good gifts and generosity;for she was become a helper to him,to bring about his union with her lady.Quoth Zayn al-Mawasif,'O Hubub;indeed he tarrieth to come to us;'and quoth Hubub,'He will certainly come soon.'Hardly had she made an end of speaking when behold,he knocked at the door,and she opened to him and brought him in to her mistress,who saluted him with the salam[326]and welcomed him and seated him by her side.Then she said to Hubub,'Bring me a suit of brocade;'so she brought a robe broidered with gold and Zayn al-Mawasif threw it over him,whilst she herself donned one of the richest dresses and crowned her head with a net of pearls of the freshest water.About this she bound a fillet of brocade,purfled with pearls,jacinths and other jewels,from beneath which she let down two tresses[327]

each looped with a pendant of ruby,charactered with glittering gold,and she loosed her hair,as it were the sombrest night;and lastly she incensed herself with aloes-wood and scented herself with musk and ambergris,and Hubub said to her,'Allah save thee from the evil eye!'Then she began to walk,swaying from side to side with gracefullest gait,whilst Hubub who excelled in verse-making,recited in her honour these couplets;'Shamed is the bough of B n by pace of her;* And harmed are lovers by the gaze of her.

A moon she rose from murks,the hair of her,* A sun from locks the brow encase of her:

Blest he she nights with by the grace of her,* Who dies in her with oath by days of her!'

So Zayn al-Mawasif thanked her and went up to Masrur,as she were full moon displayed.But when he saw her,he rose to his feet and exclaimed,'An my thought deceive me not,she is no human,but one of the brides of Heaven!'Then she called for food and they brought a table,about whose marge were written these couplets,[328]

'Dip thou with spoons in saucers four and gladden heart and eye *

With many a various kind of stew and fricassee and fry.

Thereon fat quails (ne'er shall I cease to love and tender them)

* And rails and fowls and dainty birds of all the kinds that fly.

Glory to God for the Kabobs,for redness all aglow,* And potherbs,steeped in vinegar,in porringers thereby!

Fair fall the rice with sweet milk dressed,wherein the hands did plunge * And eke the forearms of the fair were buried;bracelet-high!

How my heart yearneth with regret over two plates of fish * That by two manchet-cakes of bread of Tewarij[329] did lie!'

Then they ate and drank and made mirth and merriment,after which the servants removed the table of food and set on the wine service;so cup and tasse[330] passed round between them and they were gladdened in soul.Then Masrur filled the cup and saying,'O whose thrall am I and who is my mistress!'[331]

chanted these improvised couplets;'Mine eyes I admire that can feed their fill * On charms of a girl rising worlds to light:

In her time she hath none to compare for gifts * Of spirit and body a mere delight.

Her shape breeds envy in Cassia-tree * When fares she forth in her symmetry dight:

With luminous brow shaming moon of dark * And crown-like crescent the brightest bright.

When treads she earth's surface her fragrance scents * The Zephyr that breathes over plain and height.'

When he ended his extempore song she said,'O Masrur,whoso religiously keepeth his faith and hath eaten our bread and salt;it behoveth us to give him his due;so put away from thee all thought of what hath been and I will restore thee thy lands and houses and all we have taken from thee.'He replied,'O my lady;I acquit thee of that whereof thou speakest,though thou hadst been false to the oath and covenant between us;for I will go and become a Moslem.'Zayn al-Mawasif protested that she would follow suit[332] when Hubub cried to her,'O my lady,thou art young of years and knowest many things,and I claim the intercession of Almighty Allah with thee for,except thou do my bidding and heal my heart,I will not lie the night with thee in the house.'And she replied,'O Hubub,it shall be as thou wilt.Rise and make us ready another sitting-room.'So she sprang to her feet and gat ready a room and adorned and perfumed it after fairest fashion even as her lady loved and preferred;after which she again set on food and wine,and the cup went round between them and their hearts were glad.--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Eight Hundred and Fiftieth Night; She resumed,It hath reached me,O auspicious King,that when Zayn al-Mawasif bade her maid Hubub make ready a private sitting-room she arose and did her bidding,after which she again set food and wine before them and cup and tasse went round gladdening their hearts.Presently quoth Zayn al-Mawasif,'O Masrur,come is the time of Union and favour;so,as thou studiest my love to savour recite us some verses surpassing of flavour.'Upon this he recited the following ode[333];'I am taken: my heart bums with living flame For Union shorn whenas Severance came;In the love of a damsel who forced my soul And with delicate cheeklet my reason stole.

She hath eyebrows united and eyes black-white And her teeth are leven that smiles in light:

The tale of her years is but ten plus four;

Tears like Dragon's blood[334] for her love I pour.

First I saw that face'mid parterre and rill;Outshining full Lune on horizon-hill;

And stood like a captive for awe,and cried;'Allah's Peace,O who in demesne[335] doth hide!'

She returned my salam,gaily answering With the sweetest speech likest pearls a-string.

But when heard my words,she right soon had known My want and her heart waxed hard as stone;And quoth she,'Be not this a word silly-bold?'

But quoth I,'Refrain thee nor flyte and scold!

An to-day thou consent such affair were light;

They like is the loved,mine the lover-wight!'

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