

Answered his mother,'O my son,as soon as thy sire returneth I will tell him this.' So when the merchant came home,he found his son Ala al-Din Abu al-Shamat sitting with his mother and said to her,'Why hast thou brought him forth of the underground chamber?' She replied,'O son of my uncle,it was not I that brought him out; but the servants forgot to shut the door and left it open; so,as I sat with a company of women of rank,behold,he came forth and walked in to me.' Then she went on to repeat to him his son's words; so he said,'O my son,to-morrow,Inshallah! I will take thee with me to the bazar; but,my boy,sitting in markets and shops demandeth good manners and courteous carriage in all conditions.' Ala al-Din passed the night rejoicing in his father's promise and,when the morrow came,the merchant carried him to the Hammam and clad him in a suit worth a mint of money.As soon as they had broken their fast and drunk their sherbets,Shams al-Din mounted his she mule and putting his son upon another,rode to the market,followed by his boy.But when the market folk saw their Consul making towards them,foregoing a youth as he were a slice of the full moon on the fourteenth night,they said,one to other,'See thou yonder boy behind the Consul of the merchants; verily,we thought well of him,but he is,like the leek,gray of head and green at heart.'[35] And Shaykh Mohammed Samsam,Deputy Syndic of the market,the man before mentioned,said to the dealers,'O merchants,we will not keep the like of him for our Shaykh; no,never!' Now it was the custom anent the Consul when he came from his house of a morning and sat down in his shop,for the Deputy Syndic of the market to go and recite to him and to all the merchants assembled around him the Fatihah or opening chapter of the Koran,[36] after which they accosted him one by one and wished him good morrow and went away,each to his business place.

But when Shams al-Din seated himself in his shop that day as usual,the traders came not to him as accustomed; so he called the Deputy and said to him,'Why come not the merchants together as usual?' Answered Mohammed Samsam,'I know not how to tell thee these troubles,for they have agreed to depose thee from the Shaykh ship of the market and to recite the Fatihah to thee no more.' Asked Shams al-Din,'What may be their reason?'; and asked the Deputy,'What boy is this that sitteth by thy side and thou a man of years and chief of the merchants? Is this lad a Mameluke or akin to thy wife? Verily,I think thou lovest him and inclines lewdly to the boy.' Thereupon the Consul cried out at him,saying,'Silence,Allah curse thee,genus and species! This is my son.' Rejoined the Deputy,'Never in our born days have we seen thee with a son,' and Shams al-Din answered,'When thou gavest me the seed-thickener,my wife conceived and bare this youth; but I reared him in a souterrain for fear of the evil eye,nor was it my purpose that he should come forth,till he could take his beard in his hand.[37] However,his mother would not agree to this,and he on his part begged I would stock him a shop and teach him to sell and buy.' So the Deputy Syndic returned to the other traders and acquainted them with the truth of the case,whereupon they all arose to accompany him; and,going in a body to Shams al-Din's shop,stood before him and recited the 'Opener'of the Koran; after which they gave him joy of his son and said to him,'The Lord prosper root and branch! But even the poorest of us,when son or daughter is born to him,needs must cook a pan-full of custard[38] and bid his friends and kith and kin;

yet hast thou not done this.' Quoth he,'This I owe you; be our meeting in the garden.'--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

When it was the Two Hundred and Fifty-second Night,Her sister Dunyazad said to her,'Pray continue thy story for us,as thou be awake and not inclined to sleep.' Quoth she:--With pleasure and goodwill: it hath reached me,O auspicious King,that the Consul of the merchants promised them a banquet and said 'Be our meeting in the garden.' So when morning dawned he despatched the carpet layer to the saloon of the garden-pavilion and bade him furnish the two.Moreover,he sent thither all that was needful for cooking,such as sheep and clarified butter and so forth,according to the requirements of the case; and spread two tables,one in the pavilion and another in the saloon.Then Shams al-Din and his boy girded themselves,and he said to Ala al-Din 'O my son,whenas a greybeard entereth,I will meet him and seat him at the table in the pavilion; and do thou,in like manner,receive the beardless youths and seat them at the table in the saloon.' He asked,'O my father,why dost thou spread two tables,one for men and another for youths?'; and he answered,'O my son,the beardless is ashamed to eat with the bearded.' And his son thought this his answer full and sufficient.So when the merchants arrived,Shams al-Din received the men and seated them in the pavilion,whilst Ala al-Din received the youths and seated them in the saloon.Then the food was set on and the guests ate and drank and made merry and sat over their wine,whilst the attendants perfumed them with the smoke of scented woods,and the elders fell to conversing of matters of science and traditions of the Prophet.Now there was amongst them a merchant called Mahmud of Balkh,a professing Moslem but at heart a Magian,a man of lewd and mischievous life who loved boys.And when he saw Ala al-Din from whose father he used to buy stuffs and merchandise,one sight of his face sent him a thousand sighs and Satan dangled the jewel before his eyes,so that he was taken with love-longing and desire and affection and his heart was filled with mad passion for him.Presently he arose and made for the youths,who stood up to receive him; and at this moment Ala Al-Din being taken with an urgent call of Nature,withdrew to make water;

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    白小若和弦洺宇举行婚礼这天,她才刚在几天前过完自己的18岁生日。这个丈夫比她大了整整8岁,外人眼里她是他疼爱的妻子,背后他却总将她拒之千里,结婚半年多来她还是完璧之身。冷落,糟践,一次次将她的自尊狠狠踩在脚底,他本想早早结束这段可笑的婚姻,却渐渐对她心动。 结婚三个月,她第一次盼到他回家吃饭,却被他当成了端茶倒水的佣人。结婚七个月,他莺燕成群,花边新闻多得布满头条,故意想让她知难而退。他明明心里有别人,明明不爱她,却偏执地要把她牢牢禁锢在身边,甚至把她折磨得遍体鳞伤。终于有天,白小若第一次想要摆脱命运:“如果我说我累了,厌倦了当你听话的小妻子,你会放我走吗?”
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