

'It was greatly my wish that he should do so,'he added,'as soon as his marriage was fixed on. And I think you will agree with me,in considering a removal from that corps as highly advisable,both on his account and my niece's.It is Mr.Wickham's intention to go into the regulars;and,among his former friends,there are still some who are able and willing to assist him in the army.He has the promise of an ensigncy in General—'s regiment,now quartered in the North.It is an advantage to have it so far from this part of the kingdom.He promises fairly,and I hope among different people,where they may each have a character to preserve,they will both be more prudent.I have written to Colonel Forster,to inform him of our present arrangements,and to request that he will satisfy the various creditors of Mr.Wickham in and near Brighton,with assurances of speedy payment,for which I have pledged myself.And will you give yourself the trouble ofcarrying similar assurances to his creditors in Meryton,of whom I shall subjoin a list,according to his information.He has given in all his debts;I hope at least he has not deceived us.Haggerston has our directions,and all will be completed in a week.They will then join his regiment,unless they are first invited to Longbourn;and I understand from Mrs.Gardiner,that my niece is very desirous of seeing you all,before she leaves the South.She is well,and begs to be dutifully remembered to you and her mother.—Your's,&c.

'E. Gardiner.'

Mr. Bennet and his daughters saw all the advantages of Wickham's removal from the—shire,as clearly as Mr.Gardiner could do.But Mrs.Bennet,was not so well pleased with it.Lydia's being settled in the North,just when she had expected most pleasure and pride in her company,for she had by no means given up her plan of their residing in Hertfordshire,was a severe disappointment;and besides,it was such a pity that Lydia should be taken from a regiment where she was acquainted with every body,and had so many favourites.

'She is so fond of Mrs. Forster,'said she,'it will be quite shocking to send her away!And there are several of the young men,too,that she likes very much.The officers may not be so pleasant in General—'s regiment.'

His daughter's request,for such it might be considered,of being admitted into her family again,before she set off for the North,received at first an absolute negative. But Jane and Elizabeth,who agreed in wishing,for the sake of their sister's feelings and consequence,that she should be noticed on hermarriage by her parents,urged him so earnestly,yet so rationally and so mildly,to receive her and her husband at Longbourn,as soon as they were married,that he was prevailed on to think as they thought,and act as they wished.And their mother had the satisfaction of knowing,that she should be able to shew her married daughter in the neighbourhood,before she was banished to the North.When Mr.Bennet wrote again to his brother,therefore,he sent his permission for them to come;and it was settled,that as soon as the ceremony was over,they should proceed to Longbourn.Elizabeth was surprised,however,that Wickham should consent to such a scheme,and,had she consulted only her own inclination,any meeting with him would have been the last object of her wishes.


T heir sister's wedding day arrived;and Jane and Elizabeth felt for her probably more than she felt for herself. The carriage was sent to meet them at—,and they were to return in it,by dinner-time.Their arrival was dreaded by the elder Miss Bennets;and Jane more especially,who gave Lydia the feelings which would have attended herself,had she been the culprit,was wretched in the thought of what her sister must endure.

They came. The family were assembled in the breakfast room,to receive them.Smiles decked the face of Mrs.Bennet,as the carriage drove up to the door;her husband looked impenetrably grave;her daughters,alarmed,anxious,uneasy.

Lydia's voice was heard in the vestibule;the door was thrown open,and she ran into the room. Her mother stepped forwards,embraced her,and welcomed her with rapture;gave her hand with an affectionate smile to Wickham,who followed his lady,and wished them both joy,with an alacrity which shewed no doubt of their happiness.

Their reception from Mr. Bennet,to whom they then turned,was not quite so cordial.His countenance rather gained in austerity;and he scarcely opened his lips.The easy assurance of the young couple,indeed,was enough to provoke him.Elizabeth was disgusted,and even Miss Bennet was shocked.Lydia was Lydia still;untamed,unabashed,wild,noisy,and fearless.She turned from sister to sister,demanding their congratulations,andwhen at length they all sat down,looked eagerly round the room,took notice of some little alteration in it,and observed,with a laugh,that it was a great while since she had been there.

Wickham was not at all more distressed than herself,but his manners were always so pleasing,that had his character and his marriage been exactly what they ought,his smiles and his easy address,while he claimed their relationship,would have delighted them all. Elizabeth had not before believed him quite equal to such assurance;but she sat down,resolving within herself,to draw no limits in future to the impudence of an impudent man.She blushed,and Jane blushed;but the cheeks of the two who caused their confusion,suffered no variation of colour.

There was no want of discourse. The bride and her mother could neither of them talk fast enough;and Wickham,who happened to sit near Elizabeth,began enquiring after his acquaintance in that neighbourhood,with a good humoured ease,which she felt very unable to equal in her replies.They seemed each of them to have the happiest memories in the world.Nothing of the past was recollected with pain;and Lydia led voluntarily to subjects,which her sisters would not have alluded to for the world.

  • 诗人玉屑


  • 神仙服食灵草菖蒲丸方传


  • 佛说濡首菩萨无上清净分卫经


  • 华严经关脉义记


  • 东林始末


  • 拐个贵族少爷当男友


  • 师友谈记


  • 浔阳春三首 春去

    浔阳春三首 春去

  • 仙之断路


  • 弃夫难缠:纨绔毒妃倾天下


  • 红楼梦中梦之瑕不掩玉


  • 喜鹊向北


  • 莉莉丝艾薇归宿


  • 伦敦郊外漫笔


    本书无疑是关于19世纪末伦敦周边自然环境的最经典读物之一,无论是花朵在风中起舞还是鲑鱼在水中谨慎前行,理查德·杰弗里斯都能用最为动人的笔触对他眼下 最为细枝末节的事物进行最为精致的描绘。诗人托马斯因此而赞叹:“没有任何一个其他的作家能够以如此这般和蔼可亲的手法来表述这种广博的知识,甚至连一个 对所述事物毫不了解的人都能从中得到乐趣。”作者最终登上了去往布莱顿的火车,而对人本身和人与自然关系的描绘更是使本书富含哲思。当然,在一百多年之后 的今日,杰弗里斯对城市化无情扩张的警惕以及如何在城市周边重造自然生态,也许更具实际价值和意义。《伦敦郊外漫笔》中之所绘,亦正是今日人类之所失。
  • 遥若今昔

