

Now tho' we thought that the Wind did a little abate,yet the Ship having thus struck upon the Sand,and sticking too fast for us to expect her getting off,we were in a dreadful Condition indeed,and had nothing to do but to think of saving our Lives as well as we could;we had a Boat at our Stern just before the Storm,but she was first stav'd by dashing against the Ship's Rudder,and in the next Place she broke away,and either sunk or was driven off to Sea,so there was no hope from her;we had another Boat on board,but how to get her off into the Sea,was a doubtful thing;however there was no room to debate,for we fancy'd the Ship would break in Pieces every Minute,and some told us she was actually broken already.

In this Distress the Mate of our Vessel lays hold of the Boat,and with the help of the rest of the Men,they got her flung over the Ship's-side,and getting all into her,let go,and committed our selves being Eleven in Number,to God's Merry,and the wild Sea;for tho' the Storm was abated considerably,yet the Sea went dreadful high upon the Shore,and might well be call'd,Den mild Zee,as the Dutch call the Sea in a Storm.

And now our Case was very dismal indeed;for we all saw plainly,that the Sea went so high,that the Boat could not live,and that we should be inevitably drowned. As to baking Sail,we had none,nor,if we had,could we ha' done any thing with it;so we work'd at the Oar towards the Land,tho' with heavy Hearts,like Men going to Execution;for we all knew,that when the Boat came nearer the Shore,she would be dash'd in a Thousand Pieces by the Breach of the Sea. However,we committed our Souls to God in the most earnest Manner,and the Wind driving us towards the Shore,we hastened our Destruction with our own Hands,pulling as well as we could towards Land.

What the Shore was,whether Rock or Sand,whether Steep or Shoal,we knew not;the only Hope that could rationally give us the least Shadow of Expectation,was,if we might happen into some Bay or Gulph,or the Mouth of some River,where by great Chance we might have run our Boat in,or got under the Lee of the Land,and perhaps made smooth Water. But there was nothing of this appeared;but as we made nearer and nearer the Shore,the Land look'd more frightful than the Sea.

After we had row'd,or rather driven about a League and Half,as we reckon'd it,a raging Wave,Mountain-like,came rowling a-stern of us,and plainly bad us expect the Coup de Grace. In a word,it took us with such a Fury,that it overset the Boat at once;and separating us as well from the Boat,as from one another,gave us not time hardly to say,O God! for we were all swallowed up in a Moment.

Nothing can describe the Confusion of Thought which I felt when I sunk into the Water;for tho' I swam very well,yet I could not deliver my self from the Waves so as to draw Breath,till that Wave having driven me,or rather carried me a vast Way on towards the Shore,and having spent it self,went back,and left me upon the Land almost dry,but half-dead with the Water I took in. I had so much Presence of Mind as well as Breath left,that seeing my self nearer the main Land than I expected,I got upon my Feet,and endeavoured to make on towards the Land as fast as I could,before another Wave should return,and take me up again. But I soon found it was impossible to avoid it;for I saw the Sea come after me as high as a great Hill,and as furious as an Enemy which I had no Means or Strength to contend with;my Business was to hold my Breath,and raise my self upon the Water,if I could;and so by swimming to preserve my Breathing,and Pilot my self towards the Shore,if possible;my greatest Concern now being,that the Sea,as it would carry me a great Way towards the Shore when it came on,might not carry me back again with it when it gave back towards the Sea.

The Wave that came upon me again,buried me at once 20 or 30 Foot deep in its own Body;and I could feel my self carried with a mighty Force and Swiftness towards the Shore a very great Way;but I held my Breath,and assisted my self to swim still forward with all my Might. I was ready to burst with holding my Breath,when,as I felt my self rising up,so to my immediate Relief,I found my Head and Hands shoot out above the Surface of the Water;and tho' it was not two Seconds of Time that I could keep my self so,yet it reliev'd me greatly,gave me Breath and new Courage. I was covered again with Water a good while,but not so long but I held it out;and finding the Water had spent it self,and began to return,I strook forward against the Return of the Waves,and felt Ground again with my Feet. I stood still a few Moments to recover Breath,and till the Water went from me,and then took to my Heels,and run with what Strength I had farther towards the Shore. But neither would this deliver me from the Fury of the Sea,which came pouring in after me again,and twice more I was lifted up by the Waves,and carried forwards as before,Shore being very flat.

The last Time of these two had well near been fatal to me;the Sea having hurried me along as before,landed me,rather dash'd me against a Piece of a Rock,and that with such Force,as it left me senseless,and indeed helpless,as my own Deliverance;for the Blow taking my Side and east,beat the Breath as it were quite out of my Body;and it returned again immediately,I must have been strangled in the Water;but I recover'd a little before the turn of the Waves,and seeing I should be cover'd again with the Water,I resolv'd to hold fast by a Piece of the Rock,and so to hold my Breath,if possible,till the Wave went back;now as the Waves were not so high as at first,being nearer Land,I held my Hold till the Wave abated,and then fetch'd another Run,which brought me so near the Shore,that the next Wave,tho' it went over me,yet did not so swallow me up as to carry me away,and the next run I took,I got to the main Land,where,to my great Comfort,I clamber'd up the Clifts of the Shore,and sat me down upon the Grass,free from Danger,and quite out of the Reach of the Water.

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