

June 28. Having been somewhat refresh'd with the Sleep I had had,and the Fit being entirely off,I got up;and tho' the Fright and Terror of my Dream was very great,yet I consider'd,that the Fit of the Ague wou'd return again the next Day,and now was my Time to get something to refresh and support my self when I should be ill;and the first Thing I did,I fill'd a large square Case Bottle with Water,and set it upon my Table,in Reach of my Bed;and to take off the chill or aguish Disposition of the Water,I put about a Quarter of a Pint of Rum into it,and mix'd them together;then I got me a Piece of the Goat's Flesh,and broil'd it on the Coals,but could eat very little;I walk'd about,but was very weak,and withal very sad and heavy-hearted in the Sense of my miserable Condition;dreading the Return of my Distemper the next Day;at Night I made my Supper of three of the Turtle's Eggs,which I roasted in the Ashes,and eat,as we call it,in the Shell;and this was the first Bit of Meat I had ever ask'd God's Blessing to,even as I cou'd remember,in my whole Life.

After I had eaten,I try'd to walk,but found my self so weak,that I cou'd hardly carry the Gun,(for I never went out without that) so I went but a little Way,and sat down upon the Ground,looking out upon the Sea,which was just before me,and very calm and smooth:As I sat here,some such Thoughts as these occurred to me.

What is this Earth and Sea of which I have seen so much,whence is it produc'd,and what am I,and all the other Creatures,wild and tame,humane and brutal,whence are we?

Sure we are all made by some secret Power,who form'd the Earth and Sea,the Air and Sky;and who is that?

Then it follow'd most naturally,It is God that has made it all:Well,but then it came on strangely,if God has made all these Things,He guides and governs them all,and all Things that concern them;for the Power that could make all Things,must certainly have Power to guide and direct them.

If so,nothing can happen in the great Circuit of his Works,either without his Knowledge or Appointment.

And if nothing happens without his Knowledge,he knows that I am here,and am in this dreadful Condition;and if nothing happens without his Appointment,he has appointed all this to befal me.

Nothing occurr'd to my Thought to contradict any of these Conclusions;and therefore it rested upon me with the greater Force,that it must needs be,that God had appointed all this to befal me;that I was brought to this miserable Circumstance by his Direction,he having the sole Power,not of me only,but of every Thing that happen'd in the World. Immediately it follow'd,

Why has God done this to me? What have I done to be thus us'd?

My Conscience presently check'd me in that Enquiry,as if I had blasphem'd,and methought it spoke to me like a Voice;WRETCH! dost thou ask what thou hast done! look back upon a dreadful mis-spent Life,and ask thy self what thou hast not done? ask,Why is it that thou wert not long ago destroy'd? Why wert thou not drown'd in Yarmouth Roads? Kill'd in the Fight when the Ship was taken by the Sallee Man of War? Devour'd by the wild Beasts on the Coast of Africa? Or,Drown'd HERE,when all the Crew perish'd but thy self? Dost thou ask,What have I done?

I was struck dumb with these Reflections,as one astonish'd,and had not a Word to say,no not to answer to my self,but rise up pensive and sad,walk'd back to my Retreat,and went up over my Wall,as if I had been going to Bed,but my Thoughts were sadly disturb'd,and I had no Inclination to Sleep;so I sat down in my Chair,and lighted my Lamp,for it began to be dark:Now as the Apprehension of the Return of my Distemper terrify'd me very much,it occurr'd to my Thought,that the Brasilians take no Physick but their Tobacco,for almost all Distempers;and I had a Piece of a Roll of Tobacco in one of the Chests,which was quite cur'd,and some also that was green and not quite cur'd.

I went,directed by Heaven no doubt;for in this Chest I found a Cure,both for Soul and Body,I open'd the Chest,and found what I look'd for,viz. the Tobacco;and as the few Books,I had sav'd,lay there too,I took out one of the Bibles which I mention'd before,and which to this Time I had not found Leisure,or so much as Inclination to look into;I say,I took it out,and brought both that and the Tobacco with me to the Table.

What Use to make of the Tobacco,I knew not,as to my Distemper,or whether it was good for it or no;but I try'd several Experiments with it,as if I was resolv'd it should hit one Way or other:I first took a Piece of a Leaf,and chew'd it in my Mouth,which indeed at first almost stupify'd my Brain,the Tobacco being green and strong,and that I had not been much us'd to it;then I took some and steeped it an Hour or two in some Rum,and resolv'd to take a Dose of it when I lay down;and lastly,I burnt some upon a Pan of Coals,and held my Nose close over the Smoke of it as long as I could bear it,as well for the Heat as almost for Suffocation.

In the Interval of this Operation,I took up the Bible and began to read,but my Head was too much disturb'd with the Tobacco to bear reading,at least that Time;only having open'd the Book casually,the first Words that occurr'd to me were these,Call on me in the Day of Trouble,and I will deliver,and thou shalt glorify me.

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