本文已经开始解禁,故事从125章才刚刚开始。曲折的身世,离奇的故事情节,穿越了十四年的精彩片段。故事主角的聪明与智慧,被掉包的身世之迷。她爱的人居然是为了江山才肯娶她,甚至连个名分都不想给她。既然如此,咱们就颠覆一下历史吧。做鳌拜的女儿,当上皇后,皇上怎么可能会喜欢她?既然这样,就别怪新一不客气了。抢了皇上的女人,开了最大的一家连锁服装城。成为世界前十位的富豪美女,居然是大清国的皇后。新一,这个女人简直像迷一样,历史是如何记载的?本书的封面全图:http://wkkk.net/2008/05/23/000/wkkk.net新一的宝贝书迷们|1|群号:7109561|满|新一的宝贝书迷们|2|群号:26671982|新|新一的宝贝书迷们|3|群号:22319963|新|新一的宝贝书迷们|4|群号:28083339|新|新一的宝贝书迷们|5|群号:29820642|新|新一的宝贝书迷们|6|群号:29821622|新|新一的宝贝书迷们|7|群号:29820848|新|新一的宝贝书迷们|8|群号:24027187|新|Scorpion God
This title comes with an introduction by Craig Raine. Three short novels show Golding at his playful, ironic and mysterious best. In The Scorpion God we see the world of ancient Egypt at the time of the earliest pharaohs. Clonk Clonk is a graphic account of a crippled youth's triumph over his tormentors in a primitive matriarchal society. And Envoy Extraordinary is a tale of Imperial Rome where the emperor loves his illegitimate grandson more than his own arrogant, loutish heir. "The writing is brilliant, so fluent and stylish that the stories read themselves like a dream. "(Daily Telegraph). "As ambitious and as engrossing as the best of Golding. "(Financial Times).