邪魅如他,第一次遇见,他便意外的夺去她的初吻。霸道如他,她只不过是多了几个追求者,他却扑过来压倒她。某夜,月黑风高,适宜‘饿狼’出动。他邪佞向她走来,含笑耳语“怜惜,我喜欢你……”她满脸黑线,“……滚……”在盛开着香樟的夏季,校园偶像剧般浪漫的爱情故事,强势来袭。(慢热)Hiroshima Mon Amour
One of the most influential works in the history of cinema, Alain Renais's Hiroshima Mon Amour gathered international acclaim upon its release in 1959 and was awarded the International Critics' Prize at the Cannes Film festival and the New York Film Critics' Award. Ostensibly the story of a love affair between a Japanese architect and a French actress visiting Japan to make a film on peace, Hiroshima Mon Amour is a stunning exploration of the influence of war on both Japanese and French culture and the conflict between love and inhumanity.