不知从何时起,我开始有了意识,我感觉到身边总有一个人,他对我很重要。终于有一天,我战胜了黑暗,我可以看见了。从我开眼睛的刹那,我的眼睛,只能注视着一个人,我的耳朵,只能听见一个人的声音。从此:帝君,我饿了!……帝君,我想吃这个。买!帝君,我想吃那个。买!帝君,我……买。帝君……买……好,多少钱The Sexual Outlaw
In this angry, eloquent outcry against the oppression of homosexuals, the author of the classic City of Night gives "an explosive non-fiction account, with commentaries, of three days and nights in the sexual underground" of Los Angeles in the 1970s--the "battlefield" of the sexual outlaw. Using the language and techniqus of the film, Rechy deftly intercuts the despairing, joyful, and defiant confessions of a male hustler with the "chorus" of his own subversive reflections on sexual identity and sexual politics, and with stark documentary reports our society directs against homosexuals--"the only minority against whose existence there are laws."生命的密码
亘古永恒的时空舞台演绎着如梦如歌的天地玄妙,充满着神奇的千古谜团,而生命本身就是其中之一。热爱生活,珍惜生命,解读身体语言,认知你我他……本书分生命的历程、人体的奥秘、人体趣闻、健康与生活四部分。Understand Rap
Rap songs are famous for their double entendres, clever turns of phrase, and general ingenuity, but that doesn't mean things always make sense the first time around. Enter Understand Rap, a very funny pop-cultural reference book based on the website of the same name, which precisely explains the confusing lyrics and terms used in rap songs using language that even the most un-hip person can understand. The juxtaposition of a dry, academic tone with hip-hop terminology results in a book that's as entertaining as it is informative.