Edited by J. C. C. Mays Murphy, Samuel Beckett's first novel, was published in 1938. Its work-shy eponymous hero, adrift in London, realises that desire can never be satisfied and withdraws from life, in search of stupor. Murphy's lovestruck fiance Celia tries with tragic pathos to draw him back, but her attempts are doomed to failure. Murphy's friends and familiars are simulacra of Murphy, fragmented and incomplete. But Beckett's achievement lies in the brilliantly original language used to communicate this vision of isolation and misunderstanding. The combination of particularity and absurdity gives Murphy's world its painful definition, but the sheer comic energy of Beckett's prose releases characters and readers alike into exuberance.做事,把握好投机的尺度与务实的分寸
最佳的做事方法:在务实之中巧妙适当地投一点儿机,在投机之中坚持务实的原则,把两者完美有效地结合。才是正确聪明的做事之道。傻做事不如巧做事——把握好做事投机的尺度; 有思路才有出路一把握好成大事投机的尺度; 烧香拜佛巧磕头——把握好求人投机的尺度;关系就是最大的投机——把握好人情投机的尺度; 做事做局做圈套——把握好设局与破局的投机尺度; 实干而不傻干——把握好实干的分寸;拼搏而不拼命——把握好苦干的分寸; 顽强而不顽固——把握好坚持的分寸; 谨慎而不寡断——把握好做事谨慎的分寸;注重细节又能把握全局——把握好注重细节的分寸。商务英语公关900句典